The NETDRAW Procedure

Variables in the Network Data Set

The NETDRAW procedure expects all the network information to be contained in the Network input data set named by the DATA= option. The network information is contained in the ACTIVITY and SUCCESSOR variables. In addition, the procedure uses default variable names in the Network data set for specific purposes. For example, the _X_ and _Y_ variables, if they are present in the Network data set, represent the coordinates of the nodes, the _SEQ_ variable indexes the turning points of each arc of the network, and so on.

In addition to the network precedence information, the Network data set may also contain other variables that can be used to change the default layout of the network. For example, the nodes of the network can be aligned in the horizontal direction using the ALIGN= specification, or they can be divided into horizontal bands (or zones) using a ZONE variable.

Table 7.15 lists all of the variables associated with the Network data set and their interpretations by the NETDRAW procedure. Note that all the variables are identified to the procedure in the ACTNET statement. Some of the variables use default names that are recognized by the procedure to denote specific information, as explained previously. The table indicates if the variable is default or needs to be identified in the ACTNET statement.

Table 7.15: Network Data Set and Associated Variables

Statement       Variable Name       Interpretation
ACTNETACTIVITYActivity or node name
 ALIGNAlign variable for time-scaled network
 DURATIONDuration of activity
 IDAdditional variables to be displayed
 PATTERNPattern number
 SUCCESSORImmediate successor
 WEBHTML page corresponding to activity
 ZONEZone variable for dividing network
DefaultA_FINISHdefault ID variable
VariableA_STARTdefault ID variable
NamesE_FINISHdefault ID variable
 E_STARTdefault ID variable
 F_FLOATdefault ID variable
 L_FINISHdefault ID variable
 L_STARTdefault ID variable
 S_FINISHdefault ID variable
 S_STARTdefault ID variable
 T_FLOATdefault ID variable
 _FROM_supersedes ACTIVITY= specification
 _PATTERNsupersedes PATTERN= specification
 _SEQ_index of turning point in arc
 _TO_supersedes SUCCESSOR= specification
 _X_x coordinate of node or arc turning point
 _Y_y coordinate of node or arc turning point

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