Using This Book

Additional Graphics Options by Procedure

GANTT Procedure

The following PATTERN statements are used to create the color output from PROC GANTT, which appears in the online version of the manual.

    pattern1 c=green   v=s; 
    pattern2 c=green   v=e; 
    pattern3 c=red     v=s; 
    pattern4 c=magenta v=e; 
    pattern5 c=magenta v=s; 
    pattern6 c=cyan    v=s; 
    pattern7 c=black   v=e; 
    pattern8 c=blue    v=s; 
    pattern9 c=brown   v=s;

The following PATTERN statements are used to create the black-and-white output from PROC GANTT, which appears in the printed version of the manual.

    pattern1 v=x1 c=black; 
    pattern2 v=l1 c=black; 
    pattern3 v=s  c=black; 
    pattern4 v=r1 c=black; 
    pattern5 v=x2 c=black; 
    pattern6 v=x4 c=black; 
    pattern7 v=e  c=black; 
    pattern8 v=x3 c=black; 
    pattern9 v=l2 c=black;

NETDRAW Procedure

The following GOPTIONS and PATTERN statements are used to create the color output from PROC NETDRAW, which appears in the online version of the manual.

    goptions cback=ligr; 
    pattern1 v=e c=green; 
    pattern2 v=e c=red; 
    pattern3 v=e c=magenta; 
    pattern4 v=e c=blue; 
    pattern5 v=e c=cyan;

The following GOPTIONS and PATTERN statements are used to create the black-and-white output from PROC NETDRAW, which appears in the printed version of the manual.

    pattern1 c=black v=e r=5;

DTREE Procedure

The following GOPTIONS statement is used to create the color output from PROC DTREE, which appears in the online version of the manual.

    goptions cback=ligr ctext=black;

No additional GOPTIONS statements are used to create the black-and-white output from PROC DTREE, which appears in the printed version of the manual.

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