The OPTMILP Option Tuner


PERFORMANCE <performance-options> ;

The PERFORMANCE statement specifies performance options for multithreaded (SMP) and distributed (MPP) computing, passes variables around the distributed computing environment, and requests detailed performance results of the OPTLP procedure.

With the PERFORMANCE statement, you can also control whether the OPTMILP procedure executes in SMP or MPP mode.

The PERFORMANCE statement for multithreaded computing mode is documented in the section PERFORMANCE Statement in Chapter 4: Shared Concepts and Topics. The OPTMILP option tuner supports only the nondeterministic mode of the PARALLELMODE= option in the PERFORMANCE statement.

The PERFORMANCE statement for distributed computing mode is documented in Chapter 3: Shared Concepts and Topics in SAS High-Performance Analytics Server 12.1: User's Guide.

Note: Distributed computing mode requires SAS® High-Performance Analytics software.