The OPTMODEL Procedure

DROP Statement

DROP identifier-expression;

The DROP statement causes the solver to ignore the specified constraint, constraint array, or constraint array location. The identifier-expression specifies the dropped constraint. An entire constraint array is dropped if the identifier-expression omits the index for an array name.

The following example code uses the DROP statement:

    proc optmodel; 
       var x{1..10}; 
       con c1: x[1] + x[2] <= 3; 
       con disp{i in 1..9}: x[i+1] >= x[i] + 0.1; 
       . . . 
       drop c1;        /* drops the c1 constraint */ 
       drop disp[5];   /* drops just disp[5] */ 
       drop disp;      /* drops all disp constraints */

The constraint can be added back to the model with the RESTORE statement.

Multiple names can be specified in a single DROP statement. For example, the following line drops both the c1 and disp[5] constraints:

       drop c1 disp[5];

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