Introduction to Optimization |
Use of the DATA step and PROC PRINT is the most common way to produce reports. For example, from the data set solution shown in Figure 1.5, a table showing the revenue of the optimal production plan and a table of the cost of material can be produced with the following program.
data product(keep= _var_ _value_ _price_ revenue) material(keep=_var_ _value_ _price_ cost); set solution; if _price_>0 then do; revenue=_price_*_value_; output product; end; else if _price_<0 then do; _price_=-_price_; cost = _price_*_value_; output material; end; run;
/* display the product report */ proc print data=product; id _var_; var _value_ _price_ revenue ; sum revenue; title 'Revenue Generated from Tie Sales'; run; /* display the materials report */ proc print data=material; id _var_; var _value_ _price_ cost; sum cost; title 'Cost of Raw Materials'; run;
This DATA step reads the solution data set saved by PROC LP
and segregates the records based on whether they correspond to
materials or products---namely whether the contribution
to profit is positive or negative.
Each of these is then displayed to produce Figure 1.8.
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