The NLPC Nonlinear Optimization Solver |
Feasible Starting Point
You can specify a starting point for the optimization. If the specified point is
infeasible to linear and/or bound constraints, two schemes are used to obtain a feasible
starting point (feasible to linear and bound constraints only), depending on the type of
problem. They are as follows.
- When only bound constraints are specified:
- If the variable , , violates a
two-sided bound constraint ,
the variable is given a new value inside the feasible
interval, as follows:
- If the variable , , violates a
one-sided bound constraint or ,
the variable is given a new value near the violated bound,
as follows:
- When general linear constraints are specified, the scheme to find a feasible
starting point involves two algorithms that 1) find a feasible point independent of
the starting point or 2) find a feasible point closest to the starting point. Both
algorithms are active set methods.
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