The OPTLSO Procedure

Example 3.6 Using Nonlinear Constraints

The following optimization problem is discussed in Haverly (1978) and Liebman et al. (1986). This example illustrates how to use PROC FCMP to define nonlinear constraints and use an MPS data set to define linear constraints. Maximize

\[  f(x) = 9x_1 + 15x_2 - 6x_3 - 16x_4 - 10x_5  \]

subject to

\[  \begin{array}{l} x_3 + x_4 = x_6 + x_7 \\ x_6 + x_8 = x_1 \\ x_7 + x_9 = x_2 \\ x_8 + x_9 = x_5 \\ 2.5x_1 - x_{10}x_6 - 2x_8 \ge 0\\ 1.5x_2 - x_{10}x_7 - 2x_9 \ge 0 \\ 3x_3 + x_4 - x_{10}(x_3 + x_4) = 0 \end{array}  \]


\[  \begin{array}{ll}0 \le x_1 \leq 100 \\ 0 \le x_2 \leq 200 \\ 1 \leq x_{10} \leq 3 \\ 0 \leq x_ i, \text { for } i = 3,\ldots ,9 \\ \end{array}  \]

In the following steps, the linear component of the problem definition is first described in PROC OPTMODEL and then saved as an MPS data set. Because the objective is linear, no FCMP objective function needs to be used. In the second section of steps, the nonlinear constraints are defined by using FCMP functions, and their corresponding names and lower and upper bounds are stored in the data set condata. The OPTLSO procedure is then called with the options NLINCON= CONDATA and MPSDATA= NLCEX.

As in Using MPS Format, you can use the macro definition lsompsmod to strip brackets from the resulting data set:

%macro lsompsmod(setold,setnew);
   data &setnew(drop=i);
      set &setold;
      array FC{*} _CHARACTER_;
      do i=1 to dim(FC);
         FC[i] = compress(FC[i], "[]");
proc optmodel;
   var x{1..10} >= 0;
   x[10].lb = 1;
   x[10].ub = 3;
   x[1].ub = 100;
   x[2].ub = 200;
   con x[3] + x[4] = x[6] + x[7],
   x[6] + x[8] = x[1],
   x[7] + x[9] = x[2],
   x[8] + x[9] = x[5];
   max f = 9*x[1] + 15*x[2] - 6*x[3] - 16*x[4] - 10*x[5];
   save mps nlcexOld;

%lsompsmod(nlcexOld, nlcex);

proc fcmp outlib=sasuser.myfuncs.mypkg;
   function nlc1(x1,x6,x8,x10);
      return (2.5*x1 - x10*x6 - 2*x8);
   function nlc2(x2,x7,x9,x10);
      return (1.5*x2 - x10*x7 - 2*x9);
   function nlc3(x3,x4,x10);
      return (3*x3 + x4 - x10*(x3 + x4));

data condata;
   input _id_ $ _lb_ _ub_;
nlc1 0 .
nlc2 0 .
nlc3 0 0
options cmplib = sasuser.myfuncs;
proc optlso
   primalout = solution
   mpsdata   = nlcex
   nlincon   = condata
   logfreq   = 10;
   performance nthreads=2;

proc print data=solution;

Output 3.6.1 shows the ODS tables that are produced from running these steps.

Output 3.6.1: Using Nonlinear Constraints: ODS Tables

The OPTLSO Procedure

Performance Information
Execution Mode Single-Machine
Number of Threads 2

Problem Summary
Problem Type NLP
Nonlinear Constraints CONDATA
Number of Variables 10
Integer Variables 0
Continuous Variables 10
Number of Constraints 7
Linear Constraints 4
Nonlinear Constraints 3
Objective Definition Source NLCEX
Objective Sense Maximize

Solution Summary
Solution Status Function convergence
Objective 400.0059833
Infeasibility 0.0009972793
Iterations 34
Evaluations 4054
Cached Evaluations 435
Global Searches 1
Population Size 160
Seed 1

Obs _sol_ _id_ _value_
1 0 _obj_ 400.006
2 0 _inf_ 0.001
3 0 x1 0.000
4 0 x2 200.000
5 0 x3 0.000
6 0 x4 99.999
7 0 x5 100.001
8 0 x6 0.000
9 0 x7 99.999
10 0 x8 0.000
11 0 x9 100.001
12 0 x10 1.000
13 0 f 400.006
14 0 nlc1 0.000
15 0 nlc2 -0.001
16 0 nlc3 0.000

Output 3.6.2 shows the iteration log from running these steps.

Output 3.6.2: Using Nonlinear Constraints: Log

NOTE: The OPTLSO procedure is executing in single-machine mode.                 
NOTE: The OPTLSO algorithm is using up to 2 threads.                            
NOTE: The problem has 10 variables (0 integer, 10 continuous).                  
NOTE: The problem has 7 constraints (4 linear, 3 nonlinear).                    
NOTE: The problem has 3 FCMP function definitions.                              
NOTE: The deterministic parallel mode is enabled.                               
        Iteration        Objective    Infeasibility    Evals     Time           
                1                0                0      170        0           
               11   399.9157119539                0     1299        0           
               21 400.004880426434  0.0008133715544     2448        0           
               31 400.005983302901 0.00099727927424     3685        0           
               34 400.005983302901 0.00099727927424     4054        0           
NOTE: Function convergence criteria reached.                                    
NOTE: There were 3 observations read from the data set WORK.CONDATA.            
NOTE: The data set WORK.SOLUTION has 16 observations and 3 variables.