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The CLP Procedure

LINCON Statement

LINCON linear_constraint <, ...> ;
LINEAR linear_constraint <, ...> ;
A linear_constraint is specified in the following form:

linear_term_1 operator linear_term_2

where a linear_term is of the form

((<+|-> variable | number <* variable >)...)

The keyword operator can be one of the following:

<, <=, =, >=, >, <>, LE, EQ, GE, LT, GT, NE

The LINCON statement allows for a very general specification of linear constraints. In particular, it allows for specification of the following types of equality or inequality constraints:


For example, the constraint is expressed as

   var x1 x2;
   lincon 4 * x1 - 3 * x2 = 5;

and the constraints


are expressed as

   var x1 x2;
   lincon 10 <= 10 * x1 - x2,
          x1 + 5 * x2 <> 15;

Note that variables can be specified on either side of an equality or inequality in a LINCON statement. Linear constraints can also be specified using the CONDATA= data set. Regardless of the specification, you must define the variables by using a VAR statement.

Note: This procedure is experimental.

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