To list the values of
the repositories Path, RepositoryType, RepositoryFormat, Access, PauseState,
and CurrentAccess attributes, issue the GetRepositories method with
the OMI_ALL (1) flag set.
The following is an
example of a method call that sets this flag:
<!-- OMI_ALL flag -->
Here is an example of
the output returned by the SAS Metadata Server:
<!-- Using the GETREPOSITORIES method. -->
<Repository Id="A0000001.A0000001" Name="REPOSMGR" Desc="The Repository Manager"
DefaultNS="SAS" RepositoryType=" " RepositoryFormat=" 11" Access="OMS_FULL"
CurrentAccess="OMS_FULL" PauseState=" " Path="rposmgr" />
<Repository Id="A0000001.A55WR3E8" Name="Foundation" Desc=" " DefaultNS="SAS"
RepositoryType="FOUNDATION " RepositoryFormat=" 11" Access="OMS_FULL"
CurrentAccess="OMS_FULL" PauseState=" " Path="C:\SAS\FoundationServers\Lev1\SASMain\
<Repository Id="A0000001.A59XXOKF" Name="Custom" Desc=" " DefaultNS="SAS"
RepositoryType="CUSTOM" RepositoryFormat=" 11" Access="OMS_READONLY"
CurrentAccess="OMS_READONLY" PauseState="READONLY" Path="C:\SAS\FoundationServers\
<Repository Id="A0000001.A5NJI601" Name="Custom2" Desc=" " DefaultNS="SAS"
RepositoryType="CUSTOM" RepositoryFormat=" 11" Access="OMS_ADMIN"
CurrentAccess="OMS_ADMIN" PauseState="ADMIN" Path="C:\SAS\FoundationServers\Lev1\
<Repository Id="A0000001.A5J5NMEG" Name="Custom3" Desc=" " DefaultNS="SAS"
RepositoryType="CUSTOM" RepositoryFormat=" 11" Access="OMS_OFFLINE"
CurrentAccess="OMS_OFFLINE" PauseState="OFFLINE" Path="C:\SAS\FoundationServers\
<Repository Id="A0000001.A5G61RLY8" Name="Project" Desc=" " DefaultNS="SAS"
RepositoryType="PROJECT " RepositoryFormat=" 11" Access="OMS_FULL"
CurrentAccess="OMS_FULL" PauseState=" " Path="C:\SAS\FoundationServers\Lev1\SASMain\
In the output, note
the following:
There are five repositories registered
in addition to the SAS Repository Manager. The SAS Repository Manager
is the first repository listed.
A blank value in the SAS Repository
Manager's PauseState attribute indicates the SAS Metadata Server is
online. The Pause method affects all repositories uniformly, so you
can expect all of the repositories to be available, depending on their
registered access values.
The foundation repository is listed
next and is registered with an Access value of OMS_FULL (full access).
There are three custom repositories and one project repository. The
repository named Custom is registered with read-only access. The repository
named Custom2 is registered with administrative access. The repository
named Custom3 is registered as offline. The Project repository is
registered with full access.
All of the repositories have the
same format (11).
The fact that the CurrentAccess
value for each repository matches the Access value indicates that
the SAS Metadata Server is able to access all repositories without
a problem. The CurrentAccess value changes only if the SAS Metadata
Server cannot access a repository in its intended state for a reason
other than a server pause. For example, if the repository's format
is not compatible with the current SAS Metadata Server. In that case,
the CurrentAccess value might return a value of READONLY or OFFLINE.
Here is an example of
the output from a GetRepositories method call that was issued on a
SAS Metadata Server paused to an ADMIN state:
<!-- Using the GETREPOSITORIES method. -->
<Repository Id="A0000001.A0000001" Name="REPOSMGR" Desc="The Repository Manager"
DefaultNS="SAS" RepositoryType=" " RepositoryFormat=" 11" Access="OMS_FULL"
CurrentAccess="OMS_FULL" PauseState="ADMIN" Path="rposmgr"/>
<Repository Id="A0000001.A55WR3E8" Name="Foundation" Desc=" " DefaultNS="SAS"
RepositoryType="FOUNDATION" RepositoryFormat=" 11" Access="OMS_FULL"
CurrentAccess="OMS_FULL" PauseState="ADMIN" Path="C:\SAS\FoundationServers\
<Repository Id="A0000001.A59XXOKF" Name="Custom" Desc=" " DefaultNS="SAS"
RepositoryType="CUSTOM" RepositoryFormat=" 11" Access="OMS_READONLY"
CurrentAccess="OMS_READONLY" PauseState="ADMIN(READONLY)"
Path="C:\SAS\FoundationServers\Lev1\SASMain\MetadataServer\MetadataRepositories\Custom" />
<Repository Id="A0000001.A5NJI601" Name="Custom2" Desc=" " DefaultNS="SAS"
RepositoryType="CUSTOM" RepositoryFormat=" 11" Access="OMS_ADMIN"
CurrentAccess="OMS_ADMIN" PauseState="ADMIN" Path="C:\SAS\FoundationServers\
<Repository Id="A0000001.A5J5NMEG" Name="Custom3" Desc=" " DefaultNS="SAS"
RepositoryType="CUSTOM" RepositoryFormat=" 11" Access="OMS_OFFLINE"
CurrentAccess="OMS_OFFLINE" PauseState="OFFLINE"
<Repository Id="A0000001.A5G61RLY8" Name="Project" Desc=" " DefaultNS="SAS"
RepositoryType="PROJECT " RepositoryFormat=" 11" Access="OMS_FULL"
CurrentAccess="OMS_FULL" PauseState="ADMIN"
In this output, note
the following:
The PauseState attribute of all
repositories except Custom3, which has a value of OFFLINE, have the
word ADMIN added. A server pause is intended to change the repository's
registered availability to a more restrictive state. A repository
cannot be changed to a less restrictive state than OFFLINE.
The Custom repository was changed
to ADMIN(READONLY), meaning it is still in read-only mode. However,
only administrators can read it.