Using GetMetadata to Get a Repository's Regular Attributes

To get general information about a repository, such as its Engine, MetadataCreated, and MetadataUpdated values, use the GetMetadata method and set the OMI_ALL (1) flag.
The following GetMetadata method call, which is formatted for the INMETADATA parameter of the DoRequest method, requests information about the Foundation repository:
         <RepositoryBase  Id="A0000001.A55WR3E8" Name="Foundation" />
In the method call, note the following:
  • the <METADATA> element specifies the metadata type RepositoryBase, not Repository.
  • the <NS> element specifies the REPOS namespace.
  • the <FLAGS> element specifies a 1, setting the OMI_ALL flag. If this flag were not set, the GetMetadata method would return only the Id and Name attributes of the repository, which we already know.
Here is an example of the output returned from the request:
<!-- Using the GETMETADATA method. -->

         <RepositoryBase  Id="A0000001.A55WR3E8" Name="Foundation" Access="0" 
Desc=" " Engine="BASE" MetadataCreated=”09Apr2008:18:06:57" MetadataUpdated=
"18Sep2008:18:47:54" Options=" " Path="C:\SAS\FoundationServers\Lev1\SASMain\
RepositoryFormat="11" RepositoryType="FOUNDATION">
The GetMetadata method returns the following attribute values that are not returned by the GetRepositories method: Engine, MetadataCreated, MetadataUpdated, and Options. The value Access="0" is comparable to OMS_FULL and means ONLINE with full access.
A GetMetadataObjects method that is issued in the REPOS namespace on the RepositoryBase metadata type with the OMI_GET_METADATA (256) flag and OMI_ALL (1) flag set will get this same information for all registered repositories.