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Metadata Access (IOMI Interface)

Summary Table of IOMI Flags

The following table lists the flags that are supported for the metadata access methods:

Flag name Numeric Indicator Method Description
OMI_ALL 1 GetMetadata



In GetMetadata, gets all of the properties of the requested object. This includes all of the attributes that are documented for the requested metadata type in its Attributes table, and all of the associations that are documented in the Associations table, whether they have values stored for them or not. The results include both unique and inherited properties. If the returned XML stream includes references to any associated objects, then GetMetadata returns only general, identifying information for the associated objects. In GetRepositories, gets information about repository location, format, type, and availability in addition to listing the repositories. In GetTypeProperties, gets a description of the supported value for each property.
Gets the descendants of the returned subtypes and the subtypes.
OMI_ALL_SIMPLE 8 GetMetadata
Gets all of the attributes of the requested object.
Obsolete in SAS 9.2.
Obsolete in SAS 9.2.
OMI_DELETE 32 DeleteMetadata
Deletes the contents of a repository and the repository's registration.


New SAS 9.2 behavior. When issued in GetMetadata, specifies to include associations to objects that exist in project repositories in the method results. When issued in GetMetadataObjects, specifies to include objects from all project repositories in the method results.
OMI_DEPENDENCY_USES 8192 GetMetadataObjects
New SAS 9.2 behavior: Specifies to include associations to objects from all production repositories (the foundation repository and all custom repositories) in the method results.
OMI_GET_METADATA 256 GetMetadataObjects
Executes a GetMetadata call for each object that is returned by the GetMetadataObjects method.
OMI_IGNORE_NOTFOUND 134217728 DeleteMetadata


Prevents a delete or update operation from being aborted when a request specifies to delete or update an object that does not exist.


Gets specified properties for metadata objects that are subtypes of the specified metadata type and the specified object. In GetMetadata, this flag must be used with at least one template and the OMI_TEMPLATE flag.
OMI_LOCK 32768 GetMetadata
Locks the specified object and any associated objects selected by GetMetadata flags and options from update by everyone except the caller.
Obsolete in SAS 9.2.
OMI_MATCH_CASE 512 GetMetadataObjects
Performs a case-sensitive search that is based on criteria specified in the <XMLSELECT> element. The OMI_MATCH_CASE flag must be used with the OMI_XMLSELECT flag.
Obsolete in SAS 9.2.
OMI_NOFORMAT 67108864 GetMetadata
Causes date, time, and datetime values in the output XML stream to be returned as raw SAS date, SAS time, and SAS datetime floating-point values. Without the OMI_NOFORMAT flag, the default US-English locale is used to format the values into recognizable character strings.
OMI_PURGE 1048576
Obsolete in SAS 9.2.
OMI_REINIT 2097152 DeleteMetadata
Deletes the contents of a repository, but does not remove the repository's registration from the SAS Repository Manager.
OMI_RETURN_LIST 1024 DeleteMetadata


In DeleteMetadata, returns the identifiers of any dependent objects that were deleted or of any subordinate objects that were deleted in the method output, depending on the method's usage. In UpdateMetadata, returns the identifiers of any dependent objects that were deleted by the update operation in the method output.
OMI_SUCCINCT 2048 GetMetadata


In GetMetadata, omits all properties that do not contain a value or that contain a null value. In GetTypes, checks the OPTIONS parameter for a <REPOSID> element, and lists the metadata types of objects that exist in the specified repository. For more information, see Using GetTypes to Get Actual Metadata Types in a Repository.
OMI_TEMPLATE 4 DeleteMetadata


In DeleteMetadata, checks the OPTIONS parameter for user-defined templates that specify which associated objects to delete with the specified metadata object. In GetMetadata, checks the OPTIONS parameter for user-defined templates that define which metadata properties to return. In both methods, the templates are submitted in a metadata property string in a <TEMPLATES> element. For more information about GetMetadata usage, see Using Templates. For more information about DeleteMetadata usage, see Deleting Metadata Objects.
OMI_TRUNCATE 4194304 DeleteMetadata
Deletes all metadata objects, but does not delete the metadata object containers from a repository or remove the repository's registration from the SAS Repository Manager.
OMI_TRUSTED_CLIENT 268435456 AddMetadata



Determines whether the client can call this method.
OMI_UNLOCK 131072 UpdateMetadata
Unlocks an object lock that is held by the caller.
OMI_UNLOCK_FORCE 262144 UpdateMetadata
Unlocks an object lock that is held by another user.
OMI_XMLSELECT 128 GetMetadataObjects
Checks the OPTIONS parameter for search criteria that filters the objects that are returned. The search criteria are passed as a search string in an <XMLSELECT> element. For more information, see Filtering a GetMetadataObjects Request.

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