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Metadata Access (IOMI Interface)


Gets all possible properties for a specified metadata type.

Category: Management methods




Parameter Type Direction Description
rc N out Return code for the method. For more information, see Return Code.
type C in Name of the metadata type for which you want to get a list of properties.
properties C out Returned XML list of the attributes and associations defined for the specified metadata type in the SAS Metadata Model.
ns C in Namespace to use as the context for the request.
flags L in

New in SAS 9.2. Specifies to get a description of the supported value for each property.

options C in Passed indicator for options.
<DOAS Credential="credHandle"/>

Enables a client to make a metadata request for another user. For more information, see <DOAS> Option.


The GetTypeProperties method gets an XML list of the attributes and associations defined for the specified metadata type in the SAS Metadata Model. The metadata type is specified in the TYPE parameter.

When the OMI_ALL (1) flag is set, the method also gets a description of each property.

Example 1: Standard Interface

The following is an example of how to issue the GetTypeProperties method regardless of the programming environment. The request gets the properties of the Column metadata type. No flags are set.



Example 2: DoRequest Method

The following is an example of an XML string that shows how to format the request in example 1 for the INMETADATA parameter of the DoRequest method. The OMI_ALL (1) flag is set.

<!-- XML string for inMetadata= parameter of DoRequest method call -->


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