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SAS Namespace Types


Subclass of Group


Root node for SXLE map definition.

Security Inheritance and Enforcement Rules

The following list of associations is used to determine if this object should inherit access controls from another object (inheritance), or if the association is allowed for the object (enforcement). An association will not be created unless the calling user is authorized to update one or both objects involved in the association. For more information about inheritance and enforcement rules, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide.


Name Description Type Length
IsInstituteSupplied The answer to the question: Is this map supplied by SAS?   int  
MapVersion A string representing the major and minor versions, release and build number of the map.   String 24  
Validation The type of validation available for the map file. 0 = none 1 = XSD 2 = DTD   int  
ValidationPath The path to the validation for the map file.   String V64
ValidationSource The source of the validation for the map file. 0 = Web 1 = File   int  

Inherited Attributes
Name, Id, Desc, MetadataCreated, MetadataUpdated, ChangeState, IsHidden, LockedBy, PublicType, SecTransctxt, UsageVersion


= indicates the resident side of an association, or where the association is persisted for cross-repository associations. If no resident side is indicated, this association may not cross repository boundaries.
Name Cardinality Description Associated Types

Partner: AssociatedXMLMap

0 to * The tables used to help define this SXLE map.  RelationalTable

Inherited Associations
AccessControls/Objects, Changes/Objects, CustomAssociations/OwningObject, Documents/Objects, Extensions/OwningObject, ExternalIdentities/OwningObject, FavoritesContainers/Favorites, Groups/Members, GroupSubscriptions/SubscriberGroups, Implementors/ImplementedObjects, Keywords/Objects, LocalizedAttributes/AssociatedLocalizedObject, Members/Groups, Notes/Objects, PrimaryPropertyGroup/AssociatedObject, Prompts/PromptEnabledObject, Properties/AssociatedObject, PropertySets/OwningObject, ReferencedObjects/AssociatedObjects, ResponsibleParties/Objects, SoftwareComponents/SoftwareGroups, SourceTransformations/TransformationSources, SpecSourceTransformations/SourceSpecifications, SpecTargetTransformations/TargetSpecifications, TargetTransformations/TransformationTargets, Timestamps/Objects, Trees/Members, TSObjectNamespace/TSObjects, UsedByPrototypes/UsingPrototype, UsingPrototype/UsedByPrototypes, Variables/AssociatedObject

Attribute Details

     Type:  int  

The answer to the question: Is this map supplied by SAS?

     Type:  String 24  

A string representing the major and minor versions, release and build number of the map.

     Type:  int  

The type of validation available for the map file. 0 = none 1 = XSD 2 = DTD

     Type:  String V64

The path to the validation for the map file.

     Type:  int  

The source of the validation for the map file. 0 = Web 1 = File

Association Details

     Cardinality:   0 to *
     Partner:   AssociatedXMLMap

The tables used to help define this SXLE map. 

Associated Types:
RelationalTable, JoinTable, PhysicalTable, QueryTable, WorkTable

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