The SAS 9.2 Metadata Model has been enhanced to make it easier to create and
manage metadata definitions, to support new SAS Metadata Server functionality
described in What's New in the SAS 9.2 Open Metadata Interface,
and to improve the modeling of properties, cubes, transformations, prompts,
and other application resources. Several metadata types were also deprecated.
General Enhancements
Specific changes and enhancements are as follows:
- The Root metadata type has a new attribute named UsageVersion=.
For more information, see Understanding Root Properties.
- The SAS Metadata Model has two new abstract metadata types,
PrimaryType and SecondaryType,
which categorize the 9.2 SAS namespace metadata types. For more information,
see PrimaryType and SecondaryType Abstract Types.
- A new metadata type, TypeDefinition,
describes members of a SAS type dictionary. TypeDefinition and the SAS type dictionary are
reserved for internal use in SAS 9.2.
- Several enhancements were made for modeling identities:
- The ResponsibleParty association, Responsibilities, has moved from
the Person metadata type to its supertype, Identity, to
support defining responsibilities for a Person or
IdentityGroup. The Role= attribute, which supports a string up to 100 characters,
specifies what the responsibility is.
- The Identity metadata type has a new
AssociatedHomeFolder association to the Tree metadata
type to support user home folders. Conversely, the Tree metadata type
has a new AssociatedIdentity association to the Identity metadata type to support user home folders.
- A DisplayName= attribute was added to the Person and
metadata types. DisplayName= specifies the name of the person or group
as it should be displayed in client graphical user interfaces.
- A new metadata type, InternalLogin, enables
support for internal user authentication. InternalLogin has
a ForIdentity association to a Person or IdentityGroup.
Conversely, Person and IdentityGroup have an InternalLoginInfo association
to InternalLogin.
- The RepositoryBase metadata type was modified:
- It has
a new attribute named RepositoryFormat=.
- The Access= attribute supports the new values OMS_ADMIN (2) and OMS_OFFLINE (4).
- The AuditPath=, AuditType=, AuditEngine=, and AuditOptions= attributes are no
longer supported. Client requests to store values for these attributes with the
AddMetadata or UpdateMetadata method are ignored.
- The Engine= attribute no longer supports the values ORACLE and DB2.
- The DependencyUses and DependencyUsedBy associations are no longer
supported. It is no longer necessary to create an association between two
repositories to create cross-repository references between the objects in the repositories.
- New attributes and associations in the Property metadata type affect how
properties are modeled:
- The OwningType association in Property is now optional. Instead of
creating an OwningType association to a PropertyType object, which contains
information about a property's data type, application developers can
store the SQL data type directly with the Property object in the SQLType=
attribute. SQLType= has a default value of INT 12, which is the SQL
integer value for VARCHAR.
- The PropertySet metadata type has a new attribute named PropertySetName=.
For more information, see Property Submodel and
Diagrams for Property Metadata Types.
- Several enhancements were made for modeling cubes:
- Four new metadata types are available for modeling the components
of a cube, including CalculatedMeasure,
GlobalFormula, HierarchyLevel,
and SharedDimension.
- NextGeneration and PreviousGeneration associations were added to the
metadata type to enable references to be created to more recent or previous
versions of the cube.
For more information, see Analysis Submodel and Diagrams for Analysis Metadata Types.
- Several enhancements were made for modeling transformations:
- New metadata types AbstractPrompt,
Prompt, and
PromptGroup support a new
SAS Prompt Interface. For more information, see
Prompt Submodel and
Diagrams for Prompt Metadata Types.
- The cardinality of the ITSubscriber metadata type's SubscriberEmail and
ProfileOwner associations have changed. The SubscriberEmail association
changed from 0..1 to 0..*, allowing an email to belong to
more than one ITSubscriber. The ProfileOwner association changed from
1..1 to 0..1 to make the association to a Person optional.
- The ITFilter metadata type no longer requires a FilterSubscriber
association to be defined to an ITSubscriber.
- The Directory metadata type has a new attribute and a new association.
The new attribute, DirectoryRole=, specifies the context in which the
directory is used. The new association, Dimensions, references
SharedDimension objects that are defined in the directory.
- A new AnalyticContext metadata type references a location that has
SAS analytic content. An associated server context should be a SAS server
that can reference this location and interpret the content. For more information, see
Resource Submodel and Diagrams for Resource Metadata Types.
- The IsURL= and Value= attributes of the LocalizedResource metadata type were
modified. IsURL= is a Boolean value instead of a string value. Value= can
store either the localized value of the property or a URL that points
to the localized value.
- The following modifications were made to the Change metadata type. The Change metadata type
is updated by the change management subsystem:
- The cardinality of the Objects association has changed from
0..n to 1..n to force deletion of the Change object if there are no more
associated objects.
- The cardinality of the ChangeIdentity association has changed from 1..1 to
0..1 to prevent the Change object from being deleted when the identity is deleted.
Identity information is now stored in the Change object.
- The URI= attribute on the Document metadata type was
modified to support more than 256 characters. The URI= attribute is no longer a
required attribute for some usages.
For example, a public note does not require a URI value.
- The Password= attribute on the Login and
SASPassword metadata types has
a maximum length of 128 characters.
- The MiningResult metadata type
has two new attributes: ModelKey= and SourceCodeKey=.
ModelKey= is the universal unique identifier (UUID) or name of the model that is
used to score the table.
SourceCodeKey= stores "DATA STEP" for DATA step fragment code, or
"SAS PROGRAM" for SAS program code.
- The length of the TCPIPConnection metadata type's Service= attribute
has changed from 32 to 128 characters.
- The cardinality of key associations has changed:
- The Key metadata type's KeyColumn association changed from 1..n to 0..n.
- The KeyAssociation metadata type's ForeignKeyColumn and
UniqueColumn associations changed from 1..n to 0..n.
- The ForeignKey metadata type's PartnerUniqueKey association
changed from 1..n to 0..n.
- The default value of the Column metadata type's IsNullable= attribute
has been changed from "0" (do not allow missing values) to "1"
(support missing values).
- The SoftwareComponent metadata type has new
DependentComponents and DependsOnComponents associations for storing information about
product dependencies.
- The AggregateAssociation, EMModel, EMRules, ITMap, ITModel, ITmsmqModel,
ITQueueAlias, ITRendModel, ITTransportAlias, PSGridLayoutComponent and
SummaryStats metadata types
were removed from the SAS 9.2 Metadata Model.
Copyright © 2009 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.