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SAS Namespace Submodels

Analysis Submodel

This submodel contains the metadata types used by the SAS OLAP server.

Metadata Types

The following metadata types, relevant to the Analysis submodel, are classified as Container, Aggregation, and Other. Click on a metadata type to display its attributes and associations.













Container Metadata Types

The OLAPSchema metadata type is a container for Dimension objects and Cube objects that can be accessed by a particular OLAP server.

Aggregation Metadata Types

The Aggregation metadata type is used to represent aggregated data.

Other Metadata Types

The Cube metadata type represents multidimensional data. The Dimension metadata type represents a categorization of data, organized into hierarchies. The SharedDimension metadata type is used to represent dimensions that can be used by more than one Cube. Each hierarchy is represented by the Hierarchy metadata type. The Level metadata type represents a grouping of information within a hierarchy. The HierarchyLevel metadata type represents a specific level within a single hierarchy of a dimension. The Measure metadata type represents a calculated value. The CalculatedMeasure metadata type represents a member in a dimension whose value is derived from other members. The OLAPProperty metadata type is an attribute associated with members of a given dimension level. The GlobalFormula metadata type represents a definition of a new member or named set for a dimension within a cube.


These metadata types are used to store metadata about multi-dimensional data structures. This type of information is created by the OLAP server and other analytic applications. For more detailed information, see Usage Scenario: Creating Metadata for a Cube.

Note: Developers are discouraged from creating or consuming Cube metadata directly with the SAS Open Metadata Interface. Instead, cubes should be defined by using either SAS OLAP Cube Studio or PROC OLAP. For more information, see the documentation for SAS OLAP Cube Studio and PROC OLAP.  

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