Updating the Captions and Descriptions for a Cube

You can update the captions and descriptions for a cube without adding data to the cube. This is considered a nonstructural update. To update captions and descriptions, you can use the Quick Edits menu in SAS OLAP Cube Studio, or you can use the UPDATE_DISPLAY_NAMES option for PROC OLAP. This option enables you to identify captions and descriptions on a cube that will change. Here is an example:
proc olap cube=cubename description="new description" UPDATE_DISPLAY_NAMES
	  metasvr options;
	  dimension time description="New TimeDescription" caption="New TimeCaptions";
Note: The only description that can change when a cube is renamed is the cube description (the drill-through table name might also be changed during a rename). Other descriptions and captions must be altered in a separate step after the cube is renamed.