Adding New Members to an Incrementally Updated Cube

By default, the Incremental Update function expects new members and new data to be added to the cube. However, when adding new data to a star schema, you can specify that only data will be added with the NONUPDATEABLE option. When this option is selected, the Incremental Update process does not check the dimension tables for new members. The NONUPDATEABLE option can be specified in the PROC statement or on an individual DIMENSION statement. If the NONUPDATEABLE option is specified in the PROC statement, none of the dimension tables are read. Alternately, you can specify NONUPDATEABLE in the DIMENSION statement if you are adding new members to a specific dimension.
Note: You should set the IGNORE_MISSING_DIMKEYS=VERBOSE option when using the NONUPDATEABLE option.
IN SAS OLAP Cube Studio, you can check the options Cube Designer - Dimensions and Dimension Designer- General.
Note: Existing SAS 9.2 OLAP cubes that have been updated with one or more new members for a hierarchy can possibly contain ragged hierarchies and must be rebuilt in the second maintenance release after SAS 9.2.