- HOST='metadata-server-host-name'
is a string that specifies
the IP address of the metadata repository host. An example is 'misdept.us.mar.com'.
The address can be a maximum of 256 characters. When using lowercase
letters, embedded blanks, or special characters in the host name,
enclose the name in quotation marks.
- PORT=port-number
specifies the numeric
value of the port on which the metadata repository resides.
- PW='password'
is a string that specifies
the password for the user identified with the USERID= option. The
password can be a maximum of 512 characters. When using lowercase
letters, embedded blanks, or special characters in the password, enclose
the password in quotation marks.
- USERID='userid'
is a string that specifies
the user's identification for the specified metadata repository. The
identification can be a maximum of 256 characters. When using lowercase
letters, embedded blanks, or special characters in the user ID, enclose
the user ID in quotation marks.
Note: During an interactive SAS
session, if connection information is not available either through
start-up settings or through a METASVR statement, then you are prompted
for the missing information. For more information about SAS start-up
options, see the
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.