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Listing Active Sessions on an OLAP Server

You can list information about active sessions on the OLAP Server with the LIST SESSIONS statement.

LIST SESSIONS [CUBE=cube-name ][USER=user-id];

If the CUBE option is specified, the output will contain information about all sessions currently accessing the specified cube. If the USER option is specified, the output will contain information about all sessions for the specified user. If neither option is specified, then all active sessions are displayed.

The LIST SESSIONS statement generates the following statistics:

Session ID

is the unique session identifier.

Session Owner

is the user ID of the session owner.

Seconds Inactive

is the number of seconds since the last query for this session.

Results Sets Open

is the number of open results sets for the session.

Here is an output example.

Session ID: 390C78CD-EAD0-4FEF-9069-2E151AA8B524
Session owner: sasdemo@t2333
Session name:
Session description:
Session seconds inactive = 324 and open results = 0

For clients using the 9.2 MDX IOM interface, a confirmation message listing the cubes that are active for the session is also given. For example:

Cube  ORIONSTAR is active in this session.

The following statistics are also generated by the LIST SESSIONS statement:

Number of Active Cubes

is the number of cubes being used by this session.

Cube Names

is the names of the cubes being used by this session.

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