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TEMPLATE Procedure: Creating a Style Template (Definition)


Creates a style for any destination that supports the STYLE= option.
Requirement: An END statement must be the last statement in the template.
Featured in: Creating a Stand-Alone Style

DEFINE STYLE style-path | Base.Template.Style </ STORE=libref.template-store>;
NOTES "text";
CLASS style-element-name(s)<"text">
</ style-attribute-specification(s)>;
IMPORT style-specification<media-type-1 <, ..., media-type-10>>
STYLE style-element-name(s) <FROM style-element-name | _SELF_> <"text">
</ style-attribute-specification(s)>;

Task Statement
Creates a style element from a style element of the same name CLASS
Imports Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) information from a file into the style IMPORT
Provides information about the style NOTES
Specifies the style from which the current style inherits its style elements and attributes PARENT=
Creates or modifies one or more style elements STYLE
Ends the style END

Required Arguments


specifies where to store the style. A style-path consists of one or more names, separated by periods. Each name represents a directory in a template store. PROC TEMPLATE writes the style to the first writable template store in the current path.


creates a style that is the parent of all styles that do not explicitly specify a parent. After this template is created, you do not need to explicitly specify it in your SAS programs. It is automatically applied to all output until you specifically remove it from the item store.

The Base.Template.Style supplied by SAS contains inheritance information used by many styles. If this inheritance information is not retained, some style elements might not appear in the output. To safely create your own Base.Template.Style, you can start with the existing Base.Template.Style template by writing it to an external file and editing the existing template contents.   [cautionend]
Interaction: The Base.Template.Style master template attributes are overridden by other style templates.
Restriction: If the PARENT= statement is specified, then PARENT= must refer to a style other than Base.Template.Style.
Tip: To view an existing style to base your own Base.Template.Style on, see Viewing the Contents of a Style.



specifies the template store in which to store the style. If the template store does not exist, then it is created.

Restriction: The syntax of the STORE= option does not become part of the compiled template.

CLASS Statement

Creates a style element from a like-named style element.
Example: The following statements are equivalent:
class fonts;
style fonts from fonts;
style fonts from _self_;

CLASS style-element-name(s) <"text"> </ style-attribute-specification(s)>;

Required Arguments


specifies one or more style elements to be duplicated and modified.

Tip: If there are multiple style element names specified within a style and an attribute is specified more than once, then the value of the last attribute specified is used.
See: style-element-name in the STYLE statement for a complete description.
See: ODS Style Elements for a list of style elements.


The following table lists the options that are available for the CLASS statement. For more detailed descriptions of these options, see the STYLE Statement.

CLASS Statement Options
Task Option
Specify new style attributes or modifications to existing style attributes for the new style element style-attribute-specification(s)
Specify information about the CLASS statement "text"

IMPORT Statement

Imports Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) information from a file into the style.
Requirement: CSS files must be written in the same type of CSS that the ODS HTML statement produces. Only class names that match ODS style element names are supported, with no IDs and no context based selectors. To view the CSS code that ODS creates, you can specify the STYLESHEET= option, or you can view the source of an HTML file and look at the code between the tags at the top of the file.
Featured in: Importing a CSS file

IMPORT file-specification <media-type-1<, ..., media-type-10>>

Required Arguments


specifies a file, fileref, or URL that contains CSS code. After you import the CSS code, it is converted to style attributes and style elements that can be used with PROC TEMPLATE.

file-specification is one of the following:


is the name of the external CSS file.

Requirement: You must enclose external-file in quotation marks.

is a file reference that has been assigned to an external CSS file. Use the FILENAME statement to assign a fileref.

See: For information about the FILENAME statement, see SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.

is a URL to an external CSS file.

Requirement: You must enclose external-file in quotation marks.


media-type-1 <, .. media-type-10>

specifies one or more media blocks that correspond to the type of media on which your output will be rendered. CSS uses media type blocks to specify how a document is to be presented on different media--for example, on the screen, on paper, with a speech synthesizer, or with a braille device.

The media block is added to your output in addition to the CSS code that is not contained in any media blocks. By using the media-type option, in addition to the general CSS code, you can import the section of a CSS file intended only for a specific media type.

Default: If no media-type is specified in your ODS statement, but you have specified media types in your CSS file, then ODS uses the Screen media type.
Range: You can specify up to ten different media types.
Requirement: You must separate multiple media-types with commas.
Tip: If you specify multiple media types, all of the style information in all of the media types is applied to your output. However, if there is duplicate style information in different media blocks, then the styles from the last media block are used.

NOTES Statement

Provides information about the style.
Tip: The NOTES statement becomes part of the compiled style template, which you can view with the SOURCE statement, whereas SAS comments do not.

NOTES "text";

Required Arguments


provides information about the style.

PARENT= Statement

Specifies the style from which the current style inherits.

Required Arguments


specifies the style to inherit from.

style-path consists of one or more names, separated by periods. Each name represents a directory in a template store. The current style inherits from the specified style in the first readable template store in the current path.

When you specify a parent, all of the style elements, style attributes, and statements that are specified in the parent's style template are used in the current style template unless the current style template overrides them.

SAS provides some styles. You can specify one of these styles for style-path, or you can specify a user-defined style. These are some of the styles that are currently shipped with SAS:

  • styles.default

  • styles.beige

  • styles.brick

  • styles.brown

  • styles.d3d

  • styles.minimal

  • styles.printer

  • styles.statdoc.

For information about finding an up-to-date list of the styles and for viewing a style, see Viewing the Contents of a Style.

Restriction: If the PARENT= statement is specified, then PARENT= must refer to a style other than Base.Template.Style.

REPLACE Statement

The REPLACE statement is no longer supported. Use the STYLE Statement or CLASS Statement to create and modify style elements.

STYLE Statement

Creates or modifies one or more style elements.
Featured in: Creating a Stand-Alone Style

STYLE style-element-name(s)
<FROM existing-style-element-name | _SELF_><"text">
</ style-attribute-specification(s)>;

Required Arguments


specifies one or more style elements to be created or modified. If style-element-name is a new style element, then PROC TEMPLATE stores the style element in the current style. If style-element-name overrides a style element that is a parent of another element, then all of the descendents of style-element-name, including those inherited from parent styles, also inherit the new attributes.

Tip: If a like-named style element already exists in the child style and it is not created by using the FROM option, then the style element in the child style overrides the style element of the same name in the parent style.
Tip: If a like-named style element already exists in the child style and it is created by using the FROM option, then the style attributes from the parent style element are absorbed into the style element in the child style.
Tip: If an attribute is defined in a like-named style element in the parent style and it is not explicitly specified in the STYLE statement of the new like-named style element, then the attribute is not inherited, unless you specify the FROM option.
Tip: If there are multiple identical style element names specified within a style and an attribute is specified more then once, then the value of the last attribute specified is used.
Requirement: Style elements must be separated by commas.
Example: The following STYLE statement [1], which uses a style element list, is equivalent to STYLE statements [2]-[4]:
1 style data, data1, dataempty from _self_ /
        color = red
        backgroundcolor = black;
2 style data  from data /
        color = red
        backgroundcolor = black;
3 style data1 from data1/
        color = red
        backgroundcolor = black;
4 style dataempty from dataempty /
        color = red
        backgroundcolor = black
See also: style-element-name
See: ODS Style Elements for a list of style elements.
Featured in: Defining Multiple Style Elements in One STYLE Statement


FROM existing-style-element-name | _SELF_

specifies that the preceding style-element-name inherit the style attributes from the existing-style-element-name.


specifies the existing style element that another style element inherits from. existing-style-element-name can have the same name as the preceding style-element-name, or it can be the name of another style element. The style element must exist in the current style or in the parent of the current style.

Tip: If a like-named style element already exists in the child style and it is not created by using the FROM option, then the style element in the child style overrides the style element of the same name in the parent style.
Tip: If a like-named style element already exists in the child style and it is created by using the FROM option, then the style attributes from the parent style element are absorbed into the style element in the child style.
Tip: If an attribute is defined in a like-named style element in the parent style and it is not explicitly specified in the STYLE statement of the new like-named style element, then the attribute is not inherited, unless you specify the FROM option.
Tip: PROC TEMPLATE looks first in the current style for the style element. If PROC TEMPLATE does not find the style element, then it looks in the parent style.
Example: The following statement specifies that the style element Data2 be created from the style element Data1, and that the COLOR=BLACK style attribute be added.
style data1 from data2 / color=black; 

specifies that the parent of the style element should have the same name as the new style element.

Tip: The _SELF_ option is most useful when specifying multiple style elements.
Example: The following STYLE statement [1] is equivalent to STYLE statements [2]-[4]:
1 style data, data1, dataempty from _self_ /
        color = red
        backgroundcolor = black;
2 style data from  data /
        color = red
        backgroundcolor = black;
3 style data1 from  data1 /
        color = red
        backgroundcolor = black;
4 style dataempty from dataempty /
        color = red
        backgroundcolor = black
See: ODS Style Elements for a list of style elements.

specifies new style attributes or modifications to existing style attributes for the new style element. Each style-attribute-specification has this general form:


is the name of an attribute that is listed in Style Attributes and Their Values, or it is the name of a user-defined style attribute.

Restriction: If style-attribute-name refers to a user-defined attribute, then enclose the name in quotation marks. If style-attribute-name refers to an attribute that is listed in Style Attributes and Their Values, then do not enclose the name in quotation marks.

assigns the value to the attribute. If an attribute from the list in Style Attributes and Their Values is specified, then specify the kind of value that the attribute expects.

For more information about style-attribute values, see Style Attributes and Their Values.


prevents the style attribute from being inherited by any child style elements.

Restriction: If there are multiple style element names specified within a style and an attribute is specified more than once, then the value of the last attribute specified is used.
Tip: Override any attribute of the parent style element, whether it is inherited or explicitly defined, by specifying it in the STYLE statement without the FROM option.
Tip: If an attribute is defined in a like-named style element in the parent style and it is not explicitly specified in the STYLE statement of the new like-named style element, then the attribute is not inherited, unless you specify the FROM option.

provides information about the STYLE statement. Text of this type becomes part of the compiled template, which you can view with the SOURCE statement, whereas SAS comments do not become part of the compiled style.

END Statement

Ends the style.

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