Working with the Report Writing Interface

The traditional method for creating a custom report without creating a data set is called DATA _NULL_ report writing. With the ODS Report Writing Interface (RWI), you can create highly customized reports in an object-oriented language that is fully integrated with ODS. The ODS RWI does the following:
  • fully embraces ODS features such as proportional fonts, trafficlighting, colors, images, and Unicode characters, while at the same time providing pixel-perfect placement capabilities
  • takes advantage of the programming features that the DATA step offers, such as conditional logic, formatting capabilities, BY-group processing, and arrays
  • uses an object-oriented language that provides you with flexibility and control so that even the most rigid reporting requirements can be met easily.
The following example uses the RWI to create a cover letter:
ods html close;
options nodate nonumber;

ods escapechar="~";
footnote "~{style [font_size=10pt just=right color=cxbbb2e0]Provided to you by
           SAS 9.4 and ODS Absolute Layout features.}";

proc template; 
   define style Styles.Orionbackground; 
   style body / 
ods pdf file="ExecutiveSummary.pdf" style=Styles.Orionbackground notoc;

data _null_ ;
dcl odsout trt();


   trt.region(y: "2in");
      trt.format_text(data: "Orion Star", just: "c", 
                      style_attr: "color=cxbbb2e0 just=center font_size=72pt");

   trt.region(y: "3in", x: "3in"); 
      trt.format_text(data: "Sports & Outdoors", 
                      style_attr:"color=cxbbb2e0 font_size=28pt");

   trt.region(y: "5in"); 
      trt.format_text(data: "Executive Prospectus", 
                      just: "c", 
                      style_attr:"font_size=36pt color=cxbbb2e0"); 

   trt.region(y: "7in");
      trt.format_text(data: "For years 1999 through 2002", 
                      just: "c", 
                      style_attr:"font_size=20pt color=cxbbb2e0");


ods pdf close; 
Cover Page Created with the RWI
Cover Page Created with the Report Writing Interface
The RWI enables you to create and manipulate predefined ODS objects in a DATA step. ODS objects are data elements that consist of attributes, methods, and operators. Attributes are the properties that specify the information that is associated with an object. Methods define the operations that an object can perform. You use the DATA step object dot syntax to access the component object's attributes and methods. You can use the RWI’s object-oriented functionality to create highly specialized reports. The RWI is available for PRINTER and HTML destinations. For complete documentation about the RWI, see Introduction to the Report Writing Interface in SAS Output Delivery System: Advanced Topics.