Benefits of Using ODS

The SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) gives you greater flexibility in generating, storing, and reproducing SAS procedure and DATA step output along with a wide range of formatting options. ODS provides formatting functionality that is not available when using individual procedures or the DATA step without ODS enhancements.
You can use ODS to accomplish the following tasks:
Create reports for popular software applications.
With ODS, you can use ODS destination statements to create output specifically for software other than SAS and make that output easy to access. For example, you can use the ODS PDF statement to create PDF files for viewing with Adobe Acrobat or for printing. You can use the ODS EPUB statement to create output for e-book readers. The ODS RTF statement creates output for Microsoft Word. For complete documentation on the ODS destination statements, see Dictionary of ODS Language Statements in SAS Output Delivery System: User’s Guide.
Customize the report contents.
ODS enables you to modify the contents of your output. With ODS, you can embed graphics, select specific cell contents to display, and create embedded links in tables and graphs. You can select specific tables or graphs from procedure output to be printed or you can exclude them. You can create SAS data sets directly from tables or graphics.
Customize the presentation.
ODS enables you to change the appearance of your output. You can change the colors, fonts, and borders of your output. You can customize the layout, format, headers, and style. You can add images and embedded URLs.
Create more accessible SAS output.
The ODS EPUB and ODS EPUB3 destinations are the recommended destinations for creating SAS output that is accessible to the broadest audience. They create e-books that use many of the accessibility features of the EPUB specification. These features allow e-book readers such as iBooks to present e-books so that they adapt to the needs of users with a wide range of abilities. For example, when reading an e-book created by the ODS EPUB and ODS EPUB3 destinations using iBooks on an iPad, users can adjust font size, color schemes, and magnification. They can also access the text using assistive technologies such as the Voiceover screen reader and refreshable braille displays.