creates various types of tabular output by combining raw data with
one or more table templates to produce one or more output objects.
The basic component of ODS functionality is the output object. The
PROC or DATA step that you run provides the data component (raw data)
and the name of the table template that contains the formatting instructions.
The data component and table template together form the output object.
There are two types of output objects created by ODS: tabular output
objects and graphical output objects. These objects can be sent to
any or all ODS destinations, such as PDF, HTML, RTF, or LISTING. By
default, in the SAS windowing environment for Windows and UNIX, SAS
uses ODS to produce HTML output. By default, in batch mode, SAS produces
LISTING output. By specifying an ODS destination, you control the
type of output that SAS creates.
You can use ODS to manipulate
one or more output objects in many different ways.
You can use the DOCUMENT procedure
to select, rearrange, store, or replay output objects.
You can use ODS output destinations
to create output in many different formats.
You can use the ODS TRACE statement
to determine what output objects are available, and you can use the
ODS SELECT or ODS EXCLUDE statement to select or exclude the output
object from an output destination.
The following figure
shows how SAS produces ODS output.
*List of Tagsets That SAS Provides and Supports
*Diagnostic Tagsets That SAS Supports
Note: There are also preproduction
tagsets. These tagsets can be found at
They are not yet supported by SAS Technical Support.