System Option Entries by Category

The language control category of SAS system options are affected by NLS. The following table provides brief descriptions of the SAS system options. For more detailed descriptions, see the dictionary entry for each SAS system option:
Category Language elements Description
Environment control: Language controlDATESTYLE= System OptionIdentifies the sequence of month, day, and year when the ANYDTDTM, ANYDTDTE, or ANYDTTME informats encounter input where the year, month, and day determination is ambiguous.
DBCS System Option: UNIX, Windows, and z/OSRecognizes double-byte character sets (DBCS).
DBCSLANG System Option: UNIX, Windows, and z/OSSpecifies a double-byte character set (DBCS) language.
DBCSTYPE System Option: UNIX, Windows, and z/OSSpecifies the encoding method to use for a double-byte character set (DBCS).
DFLANG= System Option: UNIX, Windows, and z/OSSpecifies the language for international date informats and formats.
ENCODING System Option: UNIX, Windows, and z/OSSpecifies the default character-set encoding for the SAS session.
FSDBTYPE System Option: UNIXSpecifies a full-screen double-byte character set (DBCS) encoding method.
FSIMM System Option: UNIX Specifies input method modules (IMMs) for full-screen double-byte character set (DBCS).
FSIMMOPT System Option: UNIX Specifies options for input method modules (IMMs) that are used with a full-screen double-byte character set (DBCS).
LOCALE System OptionSpecifies a set of attributes in a SAS session that reflect the language, local conventions, and culture for a geographical region.
LOCALELANGCHG System OptionDetermines whether the language of the text of the ODS output can be changed
NLSCOMPATMODE System Option: z/OSProvides national language compatibility with previous releases of SAS.
PAPERSIZE= System OptionSpecifies the paper size for the printer to use.
TRANTAB= System OptionSpecifies the translation tables that are used by various parts of SAS.
URLENCODING= System OptionSpecifies whether the argument to the URLENCODE function and to the URLDECODE function is interpreted using the SAS session encoding or UTF-8 encoding.
Files: External filesBOMFILE System OptionSpecifies whether to write the byte order mark (BOM) prefix on Unicode-encoded external files.
Files: SAS filesRSASIOTRANSERROR System OptionDisplays a transcoding error when illegal data is read from a remote application.
Input control: Data Processing DATESTYLE= System OptionIdentifies the sequence of month, day, and year when the ANYDTDTM, ANYDTDTE, or ANYDTTME informats encounter input where the year, month, and day determination is ambiguous.
SAS filesVALIDMEMNAME System OptionSpecifies the rules for naming SAS data sets, views, and item stores.
VALIDVARNAME= System OptionSpecifies the rules for valid SAS variable names that can be created and processed during a SAS session.
Sort: Procedure optionsSORTSEQ= System Option: UNIX, Windows, and z/OSSpecifies a language-specific collating sequence for the SORT and SQL procedures to use in the current SAS session.