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Functions for NLS

NLDATM Function

Converts the SAS datetime value to the time value of the specified locale by using the datetime- format descriptors.
Category: Date and Time

See Also





specifies a SAS datetime value.


is a variable or expression that specifies how dates and times are formatted in output. The following descriptors are case sensitive:


removes the leading zero from the result.


specifies the % character.


specifies the short-weekday descriptor. The range for the day descriptor is Mon-Sun.


specifies the long-weekday descriptor. The range for the long-weekday descriptor is Monday-Sunday.


specifies the short-month descriptor. The range for the short-month descriptor is Jan-Dec.


specifies the long-month descriptor. The range for the long-month descriptor is January-December.


specifies the long-month descriptor and uses blank padding. The range for the long-month descriptor is January-December.


specifies the day descriptor and uses 0 padding. The range for the day descriptor is 01-31.


specifies the day descriptor and uses blank padding. The range for the day descriptor is 01-31.


specifies the long-weekday descriptor and uses blank padding. The range for the day descriptor is Monday-Sunday.


specifies the hour descriptor that is based on a 24-hour clock. The range for the hour descriptor is 00-23.


specifies the hour descriptor that is based on a 12-hour clock. The range for the hour descriptor is 01-12.


specifies the day-of-year descriptor as a decimal number and uses a leading zero. The range for the day-of-year descriptor is 1-366.


specifies the month descriptor and uses 0 padding. The range for the month descriptor is 01-12.


specifies the minute descriptor. The range for the minute descriptor is 00-59.


specifies the month descriptor and uses blank padding. The range for the month descriptor is 1-12.


specifies a.m. or p.m. descriptor.


specifies the second descriptor. The range for the second descriptor is 00-59.


specifies the weekday descriptor as a number in the range of 1-7 that represents Monday-Sunday.


specifies the week-number-of-year descriptor by calculating the descriptor value as the SAS date value and uses the number-of-week value within the year (Sunday is considered the first day of the week). The number-of-week value is represented as a decimal number in the range 0-53. A leading zero and a maximum value of 53 is used.


specifies the week-number-of-year descriptor by calculating the descriptor value as the SAS date value. The number-of-week value is represented as a decimal number in the range 01-53. A leading zero and a maximum value of 53 is used. Weeks begin on a Monday and week 1 of the year is the week that includes both January 4th and the first Thursday of the year. If the first Monday of January is the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th, the preceding days are part of the last week of the preceding year.


specifies the weekday descriptor as a number in the range of 0-6 that represents Sunday-Saturday.


specifies the week-number-of-year descriptor by calculating the descriptor value as SAS date value using the number of week within the year (Monday is considered the first day of the week). The number-of-week value is represented as a decimal number in the range of 0-53. A leading zero and a maximum value of 53 are used.


specifies the year (2-digit) descriptor. The range for the year descriptor is 00-99.


specifies the year (4-digit) descriptor. The range for the year descriptor is 1970-2069.


The NLDATM function converts the SAS datetime value to the datetime value of the specified locale by using the datetime descriptors.


The following example shows a time (a.m or p.m.) that is created from a SAS datetime value.

Statements Results

options locale=English;


put time_ampm;
00 PM
options locale=German;


put time_ampm;
00 nachm

See Also


NLDATMw. Format

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