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Additional NLS Language Elements

EURDFMYw. Informat

Reads month and year date values in the form mmmyy or mmmyyyy.
Category: Date and Time

Syntax Description
See Also



Syntax Description


specifies the width of the input field.

Default: 5 (except Finnish)
Range: 5-32 (except Finnish)

Note:   If you use the Finnish (FIN) language prefix, the w range is 7-32 and the default value for w is 7.  [cautionend]


The date values must be in the form mmmyy or mmmyyyy:


is the first three letters of the month name.

yy or yyyy

is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.

You can place blanks and other special characters between day, month, and year values. A value that is read with EURDFMYw. results in a SAS date value that corresponds to the first day of the specified month.

Note:   SAS interprets a two-digit year as belonging to the 100-year span that is defined by the YEARCUTOFF= system option.  [cautionend]

You can set the language for the SAS session with the DFLANG= system option. (Because the SAS Installation Representative usually sets a default language for the site, you might be able to skip this step.) If you work with dates in multiple languages, you can replace the EUR prefix with a language prefix. See DFLANG= System Option: OpenVMS, UNIX, Windows, and z/OS for the list of language prefixes . When you specify the language prefix in the informat, SAS ignores the DFLANG= option.


This INPUT statement uses the value of DFLANG= system option to read the international date values in French.

options dflang=french;
input month eurdfmy7.;

The second INPUT statement uses the French language prefix, and DFLANG is not specified.

input month fradfmy7.;

Values Results

avr 99

See Also


DDMMYYw. in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

EURDFMYw. Format

MMDDYYw. in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

MONYYw. in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

YYMMDDw. in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary


MONTH in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

YEAR in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary


EURDFDEw. Informat

EURDFDTw. Informat

MONYYw. in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

System Options:

DFLANG= System Option: OpenVMS, UNIX, Windows, and z/OS

YEARCUTOFF= in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

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