Overview of the Query Utility

Using the Query utility, you can search for models based on certain criteria, SAS Model Manager project, version or model components, and tasks that are assigned to users. You can perform a query from an organizational folder, a project folder, or a version folder.
The Query utility has three tabs that you can use to enter search criteria, depending on the type of search that you want to perform:
  • Use the Model tab to search for models based on criteria such as name, model algorithm, or variable name.
  • Use the Component tab to search for project folders, version folders, or models when you know the UUID of the component. This is helpful when a model is published to a channel outside Model Manager. You can then use the UUID to search for the model in SAS Model Manager.
  • Use the Life Cycle tab to search for tasks that are assigned to users or tasks that users are assigned to approve.
You begin a query in the Project Tree by selecting the MMRoot folder, an organizational folder, a project, or a version. The Query utility searches the selected folder and all subfolders and subcomponents. If you are searching for a model using the Model tab, the values in the search criteria list boxes depend on what folder you select to begin your search. A list box contains values for models in the selected folder and all subfolders and subcomponents.
SAS Model Manager returns the search results in a table that is shown below the search criteria. The Path column in the search Component and Life Cycle results table contains a URL that you can use to determine the path to the component in the Project Tree. Here is an example URL:
MMRoot is the top node in the Project Tree. From the Project Tree, expand the project folder HomeEquity, expand the version folder 2012Q1, and expand the Models folder. Model 1 is in the Models folder.
If no results are found, SAS Model Manager issues a message that informs you that there are no entries in the Project Tree for the search criteria.
The Path column for the Model results contains the model repository path (the SMM Path system property) that you can use to determine the path to the model. Here is an example model repository path:
You can find the model that is called Model 1 in the project HomeEquity, the version 2012Q1, and the Models folder.
To search the Project Tree, use the following instructions: