Creating Output Formats for Performance Monitoring Reports

Create Monitoring Reports

In this exercise, you use the New Report wizard to create the monitoring reports in PDF and HTML output formats.
  1. In the Project Tree, expand Tutorial3, the Loan project, and the version 2012.
  2. Right-click Reports and select Reportsthen selectNew Report.
    1. Select Monitoring Report from the Type drop-down list.
    2. Select PDF from the Format drop-down list. The default value is PDF.
    3. Select Seaside from the Style drop-down list. The default value is SAS default.
    4. In the Name box of General Properties, enter PDF_PerfMonitoring.
      New Report Wizard Monitoring Report in PDF
    5. Click OK. An information message indicates whether the report creation was successful. Click Close to close the message box.
    6. View the PDF performance monitoring report. Expand the Reports folder. Right-click PDF_PerfMonitoring and select Reportsthen selectView Report. Scroll through the report or click a link in the table of contents to view various parts of the report.
  3. Create the same report in HTML.
    Right-click Reports and select Reportsthen selectNew Report.
    1. Click the Type box and select Monitoring Report.
    2. Select HTML from the Format drop-down list. The default value is PDF.
    3. Select Seaside from the Style drop-down list. The default value is SAS default.
    4. In the Name box of the General Properties, enter HTML_PerfMonitoring.
      New Report Wizard Monitoring Report in HTML
    5. Click OK. An information message indicates whether the report creation was successful. Click Close to close the message box.
    6. View the HTML performance monitoring report. Expand the Reports folder. Right-click HTML_PerfMonitoring and select Reportsthen selectView Report. All charts and data appear on a single HTML page. Scroll through the report to view various parts of the report.

Create Champion and Challenger Performance Reports

In this exercise, you use the New Report wizard to create champion and challenger performance reports in PDF and HTML output formats.
  1. In the Project Tree, expand Tutorial3, the Loan project, and the version 2012.
  2. Right-click Reports and select Reportsthen selectNew Report.
    1. Select Champion and Challenger Performance Report from the Type drop-down list.
    2. Select PDF from the Format drop-down list. The default value is PDF.
    3. Select Seaside from the Style drop-down list. The default value is SAS default.
    4. In the Name box of General Properties, enter PDF_ChampionChallengerPerf.
      New Report Wizard Monitoring Report in PDF
    5. Click OK. An information message indicates whether the report creation was successful. Click Close to close the message box.
    6. View the PDF performance monitoring report. Expand the Reports folder. Right-click PDF_ChampionChallengerPerf and select Reportsthen selectView Report. Scroll through the report or click a link in the table of contents to view various parts of the report.
  3. Create the same report in HTML.
    Right-click Reports and select Reportsthen selectNew Report.
    1. Click the Type box and select Champion and Challenger Performance Report.
    2. Select HTML from the Format drop-down list. The default value is PDF.
    3. Select Seaside from the Style drop-down list. The default value is SAS default.
    4. In the Name box of the General Properties, enter HTML_ChampionChallengerPerf.
      New Report Wizard Monitoring Report in HTML
    5. Click OK. An information message indicates whether the report creation was successful. Click Close to close the message box.
    6. View the HTML performance monitoring report. Expand the Reports folder. Right-click HTML_ChampionChallengerPerf and select Reportsthen selectView Report. All charts and data appear on a single HTML page. Scroll through the report to view various parts of the report.