Scoring Models

In this exercise, you create a scoring task that is used to run the score code of a model and produce scoring results. Then you schedule the scoring task to run on a particular date and time. You can also schedule how often you want the scoring task to run. You use the results to determine the scoring accuracy and to analyze the model performance. The scoring task uses data from a scoring task input table, and then generates the results in a scoring task output table.

Create a Scoring Task

  1. Expand the 2012 version of the Loan project, right-click the Scoring Tasks folder and select New Scoring Task. The New Scoring Task wizard appears.
  2. Specify the following options:
    enter Tree1 for the scoring task name.
    enter test1.
    select Tree 1. This model controls the available values for the input and output tables.
    Scoring task type
    select Test.
    A best practice is to start all scoring tasks with Test selected. When a scoring task is run as type Test, the results are not overwritten. You can change the type to Production after you are satisfied with the scoring task results and when the model is ready for production.
  3. To select the scoring input table, click Browse. In the Select Table window, select HMEQ_SCORE_INPUT from the SAS Metadata Repository tab.
  4. To select the scoring output table, click Browse. In the Select Table window, select HMEQ_SCORE_OUTPUT from the SAS Metadata Repository tab.
    Create a new Scoring Task
  5. Verify that the output variables are mapped to the model variables and click Finish.
  6. Select the Tree1 scoring task to examine its properties. The value for Date Modified is today's date. To change the scoring task name or model input and output tables, you must create a new scoring task.

Schedule a Scoring Task

  1. Validate the input variables. Expand the Scoring Tasks folder, select the Tree1 scoring task and click the Quick Map Check button toolbar button. Examine the results of Quick Check, and then click OK.
  2. Right-click the Tree1 scoring task and select New Schedule. The New Schedule window appears.
    New Schedule window
  3. To set how often to run the scoring task, select a time interval from the Recurrence list box. The default is None.
  4. To set the time to run the job, select an hour from the Hour list box and select a minute from the Minute list box. Note the time that you used for this tutorial. It is recommended to schedule it 5 minutes out, so that you have time to complete the next couple of steps.
  5. To set the start date, click the calendar Date Calendar icon and select a start date. The default is today’s date. Instead of using the calendar, you can select a month from the Month list box, select a day from the Day list box, and select a year from the Year list box.
  6. (Optional) Click Advanced. Select the server that schedules the job from the Scheduling server list box. Select the batch server that runs the job from the Batch server list box. Click Browse to select a location for the scoring job definition in the SAS Metadata Repository. Click OK.
    New Schedule window
  7. Click OK. A dialog box message confirms that the schedule was created. Click Close.

View and Graph Scoring Results

To view the scoring task results, follow these steps:
  1. Expand the Scoring Tasks folder, select the Tree1 scoring task.
  2. Select the Job History tab to verify that the scheduled job for the Tree1 scoring task has completed.
    Note: If the scheduled time has passed, and the scheduled job is not shown as completed on the Job History tab, a SAS Model Manager administrator can refresh the content. To refresh, right-click the Tree1 scoring task, and select Update Job History.
    Here is an example of two jobs that were executed for the same scoring task. The first completed successfully with warnings, and the second job completed successfully.
    Scoring Task Job History tab
    If the job completed with warnings or errors, view the taskCode.log file in the Tree1 scoring task folder before executing or scheduling the scoring task again.
    Note: To delete a schedule for a scoring task, right-click the scoring task and select Delete Schedule. To modify a schedule for a scoring task, you must delete the existing schedule and create a new schedule.
  3. To view the results, click the Results tab and click Result Set.
    Results from executing a scoring task
    If the scoring task was not successful, then review the Log tab for error messages.
  4. Click the Graph tab to graph the results.
    1. Click Graph Wizard, select Histogram, and then click Next.
    2. Select X from the Role column for the DEBTINC variable and then click Next.
    3. Click the Column name box and select DEBTINC.
    4. Click the Operator box and select Less than.
    5. In the Value field, enter 50. Click Next.
    6. In the Title field of the Chart Titles page, type Tree 1 Debt Income. Click Next and then click Finish.
      Here is the histogram on the Results tab:
      Histogram in the Execute window.
  5. Expand the Tree1 scoring task to verify that four content files were saved and that the value for Date Modified is today's date.
    Here is the Scoring Tasks folder and the files for the Tree1 scoring task:
    Scoring folder Tree1 task files

Update the Life Cycle (Optional)

To update the Development milestone, follow these steps:
  1. In the Loan project, expand 2012then selectLife Cyclethen selectDevelopment.
  2. Select the Score models task. Click the Status box and select Completed.
  3. Select Score models. The Completed Date and Completed By fields have been updated with today's date and your user ID.
  4. Click the Life Cycle node to examine its properties. The value for Modification Date is today's date. The Development property displays a bar chart that shows the percentage of completed tasks for this milestone.
    The life cycle status of the Develop milestone.
  5. (Optional) Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the HMEQ-Interval project.

Update the Workflow Process (Optional)

To complete the activities in the associated workflow process, follow these steps:
  1. Select Toolsthen selectMy Workflow Inbox or click My Workflow Inbox from the SAS Model Manager main window to view the workflow process activities in your workflow inbox. Workflow Console is launched in a Web browser, and displays the Activities category view.
    Note: The list displays only the activities for which you are the actual owner or are assigned as a potential owner, and that have the state of Started.
  2. From the Activities category view, select an activity name, and click Claim the activity.
    Note: You can select an activity name and click Release the activity to release an activity that you had previously claimed.
  3. (Optional) Enter a property value or change an existing property value in the Properties pane.
  4. (Optional) Add a comment to the activity using the Comments pane.
  5. Select a status value to complete the activity. The workflow process continues to the next activity.
    Activity Status Menu
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for the activities that you completed during this tutorial.
    Note: A workflow can be configured to display the activities that are associated with a milestone or task on the Workflow Milestones tab and in the Workflow Milestones report for a version in the SAS Model Manager client application. From the Workflow Milestones tab you can view the status of milestones or tasks that are associated with activities in the workflow.
    Workflow Milestones tab
Note: For more information, see Tutorial 10: Using Workflow Console.