Working with Workflow Activities

The Activities category view of Workflow Console displays the activities that you have been assigned as potential owner, business administrator, or that you became the actual owner of by claiming the activity, and that have a state of Started. In this exercise, you claim activities, specify properties, perform model management tasks, add comments, and complete activities.
To complete an activity, follow these steps:
  1. Log on to SAS Model Manager as a member of the Model Manager Advanced Users group or Model Manager Administrator Users group.
  2. Select Toolsthen selectMy Workflow Inbox or click My Workflow Inbox. Workflow Console is launched in a Web browser and displays the Activities category view.
    This is an example of the view for an advanced user.
    Activities Category View
  3. Select an activity and click Claim the activity to claim an activity.
    Note: You can select an activity name and click Release the activity to release an activity that you had previously claimed. Only a SAS administrator or SAS Model Manager administrator can release an activity that has been claimed by another participant. For more information, see Releasing an Activity in SAS Model Manager: User's Guide.
  4. (Optional) Click on a property value in the Properties pane of the Activities category view, and then enter a value or change the existing value.
    Note: Not all activities have user-defined properties.
    To save the changes to the properties, click Save.
    If you do not want to save the changes to the properties, click Cancel.
  5. (Optional) Click New Topic to add a comment or click Reply to add to an existing comment using the Comments pane.
    Example of the New Topic window:
    New Topic
    Example of the Reply window:
    Reply to Comment
    Click Save. The comments now appear in the Comments pane.
    Activities Category View – Comments Pane
    For information, see Working with Comments in SAS Model Manager: User's Guide.
  6. Double-click an activity to view the activity details. From the activity details view you can perform the model management tasks that are associated with the activity. If the workflow is not associated with a version, or the activity is not configured to use a model management component, you can modify the activity properties.
    Note: If you did not claim the activity from the Activities category view, select the Claim check box in the activity status bar.
    This is an example of an activity that has not been claimed, contains properties, and does not have a model management task associated with it.
    Activity object window
    The following actions can be performed from the activity status bar.
    • Select the information button to view the description of the activity. The description window can contain a brief description of the activity or special instructions
    • If you have no other actions to perform for the activity, you can select a status to complete the activity, and click Update and Close. The workflow process continues to the next activity.
    • Click Close if you want to return to the Activities category view without updating the status of the activity.
  7. If a model management component is associated with the activity, see the exercise Using Model Management Components with a Workflow Activity for the tasks that can be performed.
  8. (Optional) If you did not select a status to complete the activity, select a status value from the Activities category view to complete the activity. The workflow process continues to the next activity. Here is an example of the Set up project activity that has only one status to choose from.
    Activity Status Menu
  9. Repeat steps 3 through 7 until the workflow process has been completed.
Note: From the Activities category view you can also view the dashboard reports for all projects. Click View dashboard reports to view the dashboard reports in a browser window.
For more information, see Working with Workflow Activities in SAS Model Manager: User's Guide.