Upload the Life Cycle Template

In this exercise, you upload the new life cycle template to the SAS Content Server. Only SAS Model Manager administrators can upload templates to the SAS Content Server.
  1. Log on as a SAS Model Manager administrator.
  2. From the SAS Model Manager windows, select Toolsthen selectManage Templates.
  3. In the SAS Model Manager Template Editor, select Filethen selectOpen. In the Open window, select TutorialLifeCycle.xml and click OK.
  4. Select Filethen selectUpload File. Verify the filename in the Upload File window and click OK. A message box appears when the file was uploaded successfully.
  5. You can now view this life cycle template in the Browse Templates window and in the Life Cycle perspective.
    To view the template in the Browse Templates window, select Filethen selectBrowsethen selectBrowse Templatesthen selectTutorialLifeCycle.xml and click Open.
    To view the template in the Life Cycle perspective, in the SAS Model Manager window, select the Life Cycle perspective button Life Cycle Perspective Button.
    Tutorial Life Cycle can now be specified as a life cycle template, as shown in the New Version window, when you create a version in subsequent tutorials:
    The life cycle template in the New Version window.