Customize Model Monitoring Reports

In this exercise, you add a customized title to the performance monitoring report by modifying the SAS code that SAS Model Manager created in order to format the performance monitoring data.
  1. In the Reports folder, expand HTML_PerfMonitoring and click The report program appears in the Content pane.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the report code. Select and copy the following code:
    Filename mmreport catalog "sashelp.modelmgr.createmonitoringreports.source";
    %include mmreport;
    Filename mmreport catalog "sashelp.modelmgr.reportexportmacros.source";
    %include mmreport;
  3. Right-click Reports and select Reportsthen selectCreate Ad Hoc Report.
  4. Select the box for the Reg1 model.
  5. In the SAS Editor, paste the code that you copied.
  6. Modify these lines of code so that they match the following code:
    %MM_ExportReportsBegin(reportFormat=html, fileName=Monitoring); 
    title1 'Home Equity Model Performance Report';
    title2 '2010 Q2 - Q4 and 2011 Q1';
  7. In the Name box, enter HMEQ_Performance.
    Customize the monitoring report
  8. Click OK. An information message indicates whether the report was successfully created. Click Close to close the message box.
  9. In the Reports folder, expand HMEQ_Performance, right-click Monitoring.html, and select Open. Each chart has the new title. Here is the Lift chart:
    Customized Lift Chart