Create an Ad Hoc Score Range Report

In this exercise, you create an ad hoc report to categorically display score ranges in an HTML report. To create output in HTML from an ad hoc report, ensure that the report code is enclosed by a SAS Model Manager formatting macro. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. In the <drive>/Tutorial4/Samples folder, open the example report and copy the code.
  2. If necessary, log on to SAS Model Manager.
  3. In the Project Tree, expand the Tutorial2 folder, the Delinquency project, and the 2011 version.
  4. Right-click the Reports folder and select Reportsthen selectCreate Ad Hoc Report.
  5. In the Create Ad Hoc Report window, select Model 1 in the Select Models table.
  6. In the SAS Editor, paste the code that you copied in Step 1.
  7. Modify the Score Range code to format the report in HTML.
    The program uses the SAS Model Manager formatting macros, which enable user reports to be formatted in PDF, HTML, RTF, and Excel. A beginning formatting macro code precedes the report code. The ending formatting macro must be the last line of code in the report program.
    1. Add the argument reportFormat=html to the %MM_ExportReportsBegin macro argument list. Here is the modified macro:
      %MM_ExportReportsBegin(reportFormat=html, fileName=ScoreRange);
    2. Add the argument reportFormat=html to the %MM_ExportReportsEnd macro argument list. Here is the modified macro:
  8. In the Name field of the Report Properties table, enter ScoreRange.
  9. Click OK. SAS Model Manager runs the report and creates the ScoreRange folder under the Reports folder.
  10. To view the ScoreRange report, expand the ScoreRange folder, right-click ScoreRange.html, and select Open.
    Here is the output from the FREQ procedure as a table and as a graph:
    The Score Range Report Table
    Credit Score Range Table
    The Score Range Report Graph
    Credit Score Range Graph