A performance table is a SAS data set that is used as the input table for each SAS
Model Manager performance definition. A performance definition is used to monitor
a champion model's performance by comparing the observed
target variable values with the predicted target variable values. A performance table is a sampling
of operational data that is taken at a single point in time. Each time you run a performance
definition, you use a new performance table to take a new sampling of the operational
data. For example, a champion model is deployed to a production environment for the
first time in March 2013. You
might want to take a new sampling of the operational data in June 2013, September
2013, and January 2014. These new tables are performance tables in the context of
SAS Model Manager.
To view a performance
table in SAS Model Manager, you must register the tables
in the SAS Metadata Repository using the
Data category
view or by using SAS Management Console. You can view performance
tables in the
Data category view. After a
performance table is registered, you can specify the table in the
performance table field in the project properties. The default performance table value at the project
level is the
default value for the
Performance data source field
in the
Edit Performance Definition wizard.
Note: If you run SAS Model Manager
report macros outside of SAS Model Manager to monitor
a champion model's performance, the macros cannot access the
performance tables in SAS Model Manager to create model
performance monitoring reports.