The scoring
input table is a data table whose input is used by the scoring test to score a single model.
The scoring input table must contain the variables and input data for the variables
that the model requires. Typically, a scoring table is identical to its corresponding
train table except that the
target variables in the train table are not included in the scoring table.
scoring output table contains the data that is produced when you
execute a scoring test. You can provide a scoring
output table or you can create a scoring output table definition in SAS Model Manager. When
a scoring test is executed, SAS Model Manager uses
the scoring output table definition to create the scoring output table.
The name of the scoring output table definition is used as the name
of the scoring output table.
You can create a scoring output table definition by using the Create a Scoring Output
Table function on the
Models page. In the
a Scoring Output Table window, you select variables from a scoring input table as well as variables from
the model’s output. The variables in the
Input Variables table
are variables from the scoring input table if one is specified for
Default scoring input table property
for a project or model property. Otherwise, the
Variables table is empty. The
Output Variables that appear in the window are model
output variables. You use the variables from both tables to create the scoring output table.
SAS Model Manager saves the table definition as
metadata in the SAS Metadata Repository. The location of the metadata is defined by the
SAS library that you specify when you create the output table definition. After SAS Model Manager
creates the table definition, the table can be selected as the output
table for subsequent scoring tests.
A SAS Model Manager scoring test can run in test mode, which is the default mode,
or it can run in production
mode. When the test runs, it populates a scoring output table. In test mode, the scoring
output table is stored in the SAS Model Manager
model repository. You view the table under the scoring test on the project’s
Scoring page. In production mode, if the scoring output table is a table that you provided,
that table is updated. If you created a scoring test output definition, the scoring
output table is located in the designated SAS library that you specified when you
created the table definition in the
Create a Scoring Output Table window.
The production scoring output table is not stored in the SAS Model Manager