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MDDB Report Viewer 9.2

Customizing the MDDB Report Viewer Using Cascading Style Sheets

The MDDB Report Viewer uses cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to enable you to customize the viewer output. You can use cascading style sheets to modify background colors, fonts, the size and location of the HTML elements, and to indicate whether the HTML elements are displayed or not. For more information on style sheet capabilities, consult your favorite HTML reference guide.

HTML elements use the CLASS parameter to surface style sheet properties. Table 1 lists the CLASS definitions that are used by the MDDB Report Viewer. An example style sheet is shipped with the viewer software, and you can create your own to use as well. To apply a style sheet to the viewer output, specify the CSS parameter as a hidden field on your initial HTML page. For example,

    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CSS" VALUE="http://myserver/mystyle.css">

or add the CSS parameter to the URL of bookmarked reports, as in the following (note the URL encoding):


An additional CSST parameter is provided so that optionally you can apply a separate style sheet to the toolbar frame. If you do not specify the CSST parameter, the toolbar frame uses the value that is specified by the CSS parameter.

Table 1. MDDB Report Viewer CSS Class Tags

Class Name Description
MAINTAB Main report table
ROWLAB Row label cells
TROWLAB Total row label cell
STROWLAB Total row label cell for expanded row (for example, "subtotals")
TROWCELL Total row data cells
TDCELL All other data cells
TCOLLAB Total column label cell
STCOLLAB Total column label cell for nested totals
TCOLCELL Total column data cells
COLLAB Column label cells
EMPTY Empty cell in upper left-hand corner
FILTERBOX Table containing filter list boxes
DIMBOX Table containing dimension selector list boxes
DIMSELBOX Table containing dimension selector list boxes (Report Layout page)
ANALYBOX List box for selecting analysis variable (Report Layout page)
ANALYSIS Class for the <DIV> tag for the analysis variable list box
STATSBOX List box for selecting statistic (Report Layout page)
STATS Class for the <DIV> tag for the statistics list box
ANALYCOL Analysis variable column
STATSCOL Statistics column
GRAPH Class for the IMG tag for standard GIF graph
GRAPHAPP Class for the graph application tag
TOOLTAB Class for toolbar
IMGBKMRK Class for the IMG tag for Bookmark
IMGDIM Class for the IMG tag for Dimensions
IMGOPT Class for the IMG tag for Options
IMGHELP Class for the IMG tag for Help
IMGLAY Class for the IMG tag for Layout
IMGLOGOUT Class for the IMG tag for Logout
IMGROTATE Class for the IMG tag for Rotate
HEADER Report Layout HTML headers
LABEL Report Layout HTML labels
SELECT Report Layout HTML for SELECT and INPUT tags
SSELECT Class for statistics selection list boxes
SUBMIT Submit (View Report) button class

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