MDDB Report Viewer 9.2 |
If the user has drilled down, this method displays the down dimension cell with an up arrow. This method
calls _GET_CLASS_LABEL_ of the data model to get the cell label,
outputs the labeled cell with an arrow (if necessary) for drilling up.
CALL SEND(OBJID,'_DISPLAY_DOWNVAR_CELL_',row-list,vrflag, analysis-variable,statistic-variable,down-variable, across-variable,_url,_argument-string,_argument-string2, initial-url,service-name,url,background-type, background-value,title,webeis-class,dlflag);
Where... | Is Type... | And Contains... |
row-list | C | the row list from the EMDDB_M class. |
vrflag | C | a flag that indicates that the View Report button was pressed. |
analysis-variable | N | the analysis variable that is to be graphed. |
statistic-variable | C | the statistic that is to be graphed. |
down-variable | C | the down dimension variable that is to be graphed. |
across-variable | C | the across dimension variable that is to be graphed. |
_url | C | the browser component of the URL. |
_argument-string | C | the argument string for the next query. |
_argument-string2 | C | the argument string for the next query. |
initial-url | C | the URL of the initial HTML page. |
service-name | C | the broker service that is being used. |
url | C | the broker component of the URL. |
background-type | C | the background type (IMAGE or COLOR). This value is optional. |
background-value | C | the background value. This value is optional. |
title | C | the title. This value is optional. |
web-class | C | the WEBEIS class name (for subclassing). |
dlflag | N | a flag that indicates whether to download the table to a spreadsheet. |
call send(emddbmid_,'_GET_CLASS_COMBINATIONS_','ROW',rowlist); vrflag=1; grphvar='Actual+Sales'; grphstat='Sum'; grphdown=''; grphacr='PRODTYPE'; _url='/cgi-bin/broker?_PROGRAM=sashelp.webeis.mddbrpts.scl&_SERVICE=default &_DEBUG=0&RPTTYPE=2&GRTYPE=BLOCK' _args='&MDDB=PERMDATA.MAPINFO&METABASE=PERMDATA.MB612&DOWN=Geographic&ACROSS =Product+Line&A=ACTUAL' _args2 = '&S=SUM&V1=COUNTRY=U.S.A.' mddblink=''; service='default'; url='/cgi-bin/broker'; bgtype=''; bg=''; title=''; webcls='SASHELP.WEBEIS.WEBEIS'; dlflag=0; call send(webid,'_DISPLAY_DOWNVAR_CELL_',rowlist,vrflag,grphvar, grphstat,grphdown,grphacr,_url,_args,_args2,mddblink,service,url, bgtype,bg,title,webcls,dlflag);
This example produces the following output:
<TR><TH CLASS="rowlab">State/Province</TH><TH CLASS=collab"><A HREF="/cgi-bin/broker?_PROGRAM=sashelp.webeis.mddbrpts.scl&_SERVICE=default &_DEBUG=0&RPTTYPE=2&GRTYPE=BLOCK&MDDB=PERMDATA.MAPINFO&METABASE=PERMDATA.MB612 &DOWN=Geographic&ACROSS=Product+Line&A=ACTUAL&S=SUM&GVAR=Actual+Sales&GSTAT=Sum &GACR=PRODTYPE&GLINK=1&DRUP=1&_MDLINK=http://myserver-com/test.html &CLASS=SASHELP.WEBEIS.WEBEIS" TARGET="_TOP"><IMG SRC="/myimages/up.gif BORDER=0 ALT="UP"></A></TH>
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