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Macro Functions

%STR and %NRSTR Functions

Mask special characters and mnemonic operators in constant text at macro compilation.
Type: Macro quoting function
See also: %NRQUOTE Function

Example 1: Maintaining Leading Blanks
Example 2: Protecting a Blank So That It Will Be Compiled As Text
Example 3: Quoting a Value That Might Contain a Macro Reference


%STR (character-string)
%NRSTR (character-string)


The %STR and %NRSTR functions mask a character string during compilation of a macro or macro language statement. They mask the following special characters and mnemonic operators:

+ - * / < > = ¬ ^ ~ ; ,  # blank

They also mask the following characters when they occur in pairs and when they are not matched and are marked by a preceding % :

' " ( )

In addition, %NRSTR also masks the following characters:

& %

Argument Use
percent sign before a quotation mark - for example, %' or %", percent sign with quotation mark

EXAMPLE: %let percent=%str(Jim%'s office);

percent sign before a parenthesis - for example, %( or %) two percent signs (%%):

EXAMPLE: %let x=%str(20%%);

character string with the comment symbols /* or --> %STR with each character

EXAMPLE: %str(/) %str(*) comment-text %str(*)%str(/)

%STR is most useful for character strings that contain

Putting the same argument within nested %STR and %QUOTE functions is redundant. This example shows an argument that is masked at macro compilation by the %STR function and so remains masked at macro execution. Thus, in this example, the %QUOTE function used here has no effect.


Do not use %STR to enclose other macro functions or macro invocations that have a list of parameter values.

Because %STR masks parentheses without a match, the macro processor does not recognize the arguments of a function or the parameter values of a macro invocation.  [cautionend]

For a description of quoting in SAS macro language, see Macro Quoting.

Note:   The maximum level of nesting for macro quoting functions is 10.  [cautionend]



Example 1: Maintaining Leading Blanks

This example enables the value of the macro variable TIME to contain leading blanks.

%let time=%str(   now);

%put Text followed by the value of time:&time;

When this example is executed, these lines are written to the SAS log:

Text followed by the value of time:   now

Example 2: Protecting a Blank So That It Will Be Compiled As Text

This example specifies that %QSCAN use a blank as the delimiter between words.

%macro words(string);
   %local count word;
   %let count=1;
   %let word=%qscan(&string,&count,%str( ));
   %do %while(&word ne);
      %let count=%eval(&count+1);
      %let word=%qscan(&string,&count,%str( ));
   %let count=%eval(&count-1);
   %put The string contains &count words.;
%mend words;

%words(This is a very long string)

When this program executes, these lines are written to the SAS log:

The string contains 6 words.

Example 3: Quoting a Value That Might Contain a Macro Reference

The macro REVRS reverses the characters produced by the macro TEST. %NRSTR in the %PUT statement protects %test&test so that it is compiled as text and not interpreted.

%macro revrs(string);
   %local nstring;
   %do i=%length(&string) %to 1 %by -1;
      %let nstring=&nstring%qsubstr(&string,&i,1);
%mend revrs;

%macro test;
   Two words
%mend test;

%put %nrstr(%test%test) - %revrs(%test%test);

When this program executes, the following lines are written to the SAS log:

1          %macro revrs(string);
2             %local nstring;
3             %do i=%length(&string) %to 1 %by -1;
4                %let nstring=&nstring%qsubstr(&string,&i,1);
5             %end;&nstring
6          %mend revrs;
8          %macro test;
9             Two words
10         %mend test;
12         %put %nrstr(%test%test) - %revrs(%test%test);
%test%test - sdrow owTsdrow owT
NOTE: SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC USA 27513-2414
NOTE: The SAS System used:
      real time           0.28 seconds
      cpu time            0.12 seconds

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