
SAS Micro Analytic Service uses GemFire cache to persist information about modules deployed in it. Like any other persistent storage of content, this store must be backed up regularly, in accordance your organizational policies. In the case of a hardware failure, the content of the cache can be restored from the last good backup to minimize downtime. If backups are not available, all modules have to be redeployed.
GemFire provides an online backup facility where all nodes of the cluster must be operational during the backup process. To restore from a backup, all nodes of the cluster must be shut down.
This chapter describes the backup and restore procedure as it applies to SAS Micro Analytic Service.
The GemFire persistence folder for a SAS Micro Analytic Service system is found in SAS-Configuration-Directory/LevN/Web/WebAppServer/SASServer13_n/logs, where LevN is the SAS configuration level directory, and 13_n denotes the application server processes. This is where GemFire holds files that contain an image of the GemFire shared cache.
Before beginning the backup process, see Additional Backup Considerations.