Categories and Descriptions of Informats
Category |
Informats |
Description |
Character |
$ASCIIw. Informat
Converts ASCII character data to native format. |
$BASE64Xw. Informat
Converts ASCII text into character data by using Base 64 encoding. |
$BINARYw. Informat
Converts binary data to character data. |
$CHARw. Informat
Reads character data with blanks. |
$CHARZBw. Informat
Converts binary 0s to blanks. |
$EBCDICw. Informat
Converts EBCDIC character data to native format. |
$HEXw. Informat
Converts hexadecimal data to character data. |
$OCTALw. Informat
Converts octal data to character data. |
$PHEXw. Informat
Converts packed hexadecimal data to character data. |
$QUOTEw. Informat
Removes matching quotation marks from character data. |
$UPCASEw. Informat
Converts character data to uppercase. |
$VARYINGw. Informat
Reads character data of varying length. |
$w. Informat
Reads standard character data. |
Column Binary |
$CBw. Informat
Reads standard character data from column-binary files. |
CBw.d Informat
Reads standard numeric values from column-binary files. |
PUNCH.d Informat
Reads whether a row of column-binary data is punched. |
ROWw.d Informat
Reads a column-binary field down a card column. |
Date and Time |
$N8601Bw.d Informat
Reads complete, truncated, and omitted forms of ISO 8601 duration, datetime,
and interval values that are specified in either the basic or extended notations. |
$N8601Ew.d Informat
Reads ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values that are specified
in the extended notation. |
ANYDTDTEw. Informat
Reads and extracts the date value from various date, time, and datetime
forms. |
ANYDTDTMw. Informat
Reads and extracts datetime values from various date, time, and datetime
forms. |
ANYDTTMEw. Informat
Reads and extracts time values from various date, time, and datetime
forms. |
B8601DAw. Informat
Reads date values that are specified in the ISO 8601 base notation yyyymmdd. |
B8601DNw. Informat
Reads date values that are specified the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmdd and returns SAS datetime values where the time portion of
the value is 000000. |
B8601DTw.d Informat
Reads datetime values that are specified in the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmddThhmmssffffff. |
B8601DZw.d Informat
Reads datetime values that are specified in the Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC) time scale using ISO 8601 datetime basic notation yyyymmdd Thhmmss+|-hhmm or yyyymmddT hhmmssffffffZ. |
B8601TMw.d Informat
Reads time values that are specified in the ISO 8601 basic notation hhmmssffffff. |
B8601TZw.d Informat
Reads time values that are specified in the ISO 8601 basic time notation hhmmssfffff+|-hhmm or hhmmssffffffZ. |
DATEw. Informat
Reads date values in the form ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy . |
DATETIMEw. Informat
Reads datetime values in the form ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy |
DDMMYYw. Informat
Reads date values in the form ddmmyy<yy> or dd-mm-yy<yy>, where a special character, such as a hyphen (-), period (.), or
slash (/), separates the day, month, and year; the year can be either 2 or
4 digits. |
E8601DAw. Informat
Reads date values that are specified in the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-dd. |
E8601DNw. Informat
Reads date values that are specified in the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-dd and returns SAS datetime values where the time portion of
the value is 000000. |
E8601DTw.d Informat
Reads datetime values that are specified in the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ffffff. |
E8601DZw.d Informat
Reads datetime values that are specified in the Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC) time scale using ISO 8601 datetime extended notation hh: mm:ss+|-hh:mm.fffff
or hh:mm:ss.fffffZ. |
E8601LZw.d Informat
Reads Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) values that are specified in
the ISO 8601 extended notation hh:mm:ss +|-hh:mm.fffff or hh:mm:ss.fffffZ and converts them to the local
time. |
E8601TMw.d Informat
Reads time values that are specified in the ISO 8601 extended notation hh:mm:ss.ffffff. |
E8601TZw.d Informat
Reads time values that are specified in the ISO 8601 extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|-hh:mm.ffffff or hh:mm:ss Z. |
JULIANw. Informat
Reads Julian dates in the form yyddd or yyyyddd . |
MDYAMPMw.d Informat
Reads datetime values in the form mm-dd-yy<yy> AM|PM, where a special character such as a hyphen (-), period (.),
slash (/), or colon (:) separates the month, day, and year; the year can be
either 2 or 4 digits. |
MMDDYYw. Informat
Reads date values in the form mmddyy or mmddyyyy . |
MONYYw. Informat
Reads month and year date values in the form mmmyy or mmmyyyy. |
MSECw. Informat
Reads TIME MIC values. |
PDJULGw. Informat
Reads packed Julian date values in the hexadecimal form yyyydddF for IBM. |
PDJULIw. Informat
Reads packed Julian dates in the hexadecimal format ccyyddd F
for IBM. |
PDTIMEw. Informat
Reads packed decimal time of SMF and RMF records. |
RMFDURw. Informat
Reads duration intervals of RMF records. |
RMFSTAMPw. Informat
Reads time and date fields of RMF records. |
SHRSTAMPw. Informat
Reads date and time values of SHR records. |
SMFSTAMPw. Informat
Reads time and date values of SMF records. |
STIMERw. Informat
Reads time values and determines whether the values are hours, minutes,
or seconds; reads the output of the STIMER system option. |
TIMEw. Informat
Reads hours, minutes, and seconds in the form ,
where special characters such as the colon (:) or the period (.) are used
to separate the hours, minutes, and seconds. |
TODSTAMPw. Informat
Reads an eight-byte time-of-day stamp. |
TUw. Informat
Reads timer units. |
WEEKUw. Informat
Reads the format of the number-of-week value within the year and returns
a SAS date value by using the U algorithm. |
WEEKVw. Informat
Reads the format of the number-of-week value within the year and returns
a SAS date value using the V algorithm. |
WEEKWw. Informat
Reads the format of the number-of-week value within the year and returns
a SAS date value using the W algorithm. |
YMDDTTMw.d Informat
Reads datetime values in the form <yy>yy-mm-dd , where special characters such as a hyphen (-), period (.), slash
(/), or colon (:) are used to separate the year, month, day, hour, minute,
and seconds; the year can be either 2 or 4 digits. |
YYMMDDw. Informat
Reads date values in the form yymmdd or yyyymmdd . |
YYMMNw. Informat
Reads date values in the form yyyymm or yymm . |
YYQw. Informat
Reads quarters of the year in the form yyQ q
or yyyyQq. |
ISO 8601 |
$N8601Bw.d Informat
Reads complete, truncated, and omitted forms of ISO 8601 duration, datetime,
and interval values that are specified in either the basic or extended notations. |
$N8601Ew.d Informat
Reads ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values that are specified
in the extended notation. |
B8601DAw. Informat
Reads date values that are specified in the ISO 8601 base notation yyyymmdd. |
B8601DNw. Informat
Reads date values that are specified the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmdd and returns SAS datetime values where the time portion of
the value is 000000. |
B8601DTw.d Informat
Reads datetime values that are specified in the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmddThhmmssffffff. |
B8601DZw.d Informat
Reads datetime values that are specified in the Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC) time scale using ISO 8601 datetime basic notation yyyymmdd Thhmmss+|-hhmm or yyyymmddT hhmmssffffffZ. |
B8601TMw.d Informat
Reads time values that are specified in the ISO 8601 basic notation hhmmssffffff. |
B8601TZw.d Informat
Reads time values that are specified in the ISO 8601 basic time notation hhmmssfffff+|-hhmm or hhmmssffffffZ. |
E8601DAw. Informat
Reads date values that are specified in the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-dd. |
E8601DNw. Informat
Reads date values that are specified in the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-dd and returns SAS datetime values where the time portion of
the value is 000000. |
E8601DTw.d Informat
Reads datetime values that are specified in the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ffffff. |
E8601DZw.d Informat
Reads datetime values that are specified in the Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC) time scale using ISO 8601 datetime extended notation hh: mm:ss+|-hh:mm.fffff
or hh:mm:ss.fffffZ. |
E8601LZw.d Informat
Reads Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) values that are specified in
the ISO 8601 extended notation hh:mm:ss +|-hh:mm.fffff or hh:mm:ss.fffffZ and converts them to the local
time. |
E8601TMw.d Informat
Reads time values that are specified in the ISO 8601 extended notation hh:mm:ss.ffffff. |
E8601TZw.d Informat
Reads time values that are specified in the ISO 8601 extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|-hh:mm.ffffff or hh:mm:ss Z. |
Numeric |
BINARYw.d Informat
Converts positive binary values to integers. |
BITSw.d Informat
Extracts bits. |
BZw.d Informat
Converts blanks to 0s. |
COMMAw.d Informat
Removes embedded characters. |
COMMAXw.d Informat
Removes embedded characters. |
Ew.d Informat
Reads numeric values that are stored in scientific notation and double-precision
scientific notation. |
FLOATw.d Informat
Reads a native single-precision, floating-point value and divides it
by 10 raised to the dth power. |
HEXw. Informat
Converts hexadecimal positive binary values to either integer (fixed-point)
or real (floating-point) binary values. |
IBw.d Informat
Reads native integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative
values. |
IBRw.d Informat
Reads integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel and DEC formats. |
IEEEw.d Informat
Reads an IEEE floating-point value and divides it by 10 raised to the d th power. |
NUMXw.d Informat
Reads numeric values with a comma in place of the decimal point. |
OCTALw.d Informat
Converts positive octal values to integers. |
PDw.d Informat
Reads data that are stored in IBM packed decimal format. |
PERCENTw.d Informat
Reads percentages as numeric values. |
PIBw.d Informat
Reads positive integer binary (fixed-point) values. |
PIBRw.d Informat
Reads positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel and DEC
formats. |
PKw.d Informat
Reads unsigned packed decimal data. |
RBw.d Informat
Reads numeric data that are stored in real binary (floating-point) notation. |
S370FFw.d Informat
Reads EBCDIC numeric data. |
S370FIBw.d Informat
Reads integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative values,
in IBM mainframe format. |
S370FIBUw.d Informat
Reads unsigned integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM mainframe
format. |
S370FPDw.d Informat
Reads packed data in IBM mainframe format. |
S370FPDUw.d Informat
Reads unsigned packed decimal data in IBM mainframe format. |
S370FPIBw.d Informat
Reads positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM mainframe
format. |
S370FRBw.d Informat
Reads real binary (floating-point) data in IBM mainframe format. |
S370FZDw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe format. |
S370FZDLw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal leading-sign data in IBM mainframe format. |
S370FZDSw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal separate leading-sign data in IBM mainframe format. |
S370FZDTw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal separate trailing-sign data in IBM mainframe format. |
S370FZDUw.d Informat
Reads unsigned zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe format. |
TRAILSGNw. Informat
Reads a trailing plus (+) or minus (-) sign. |
VAXRBw.d Informat
Reads real binary (floating-point) data in VMS format. |
VMSZNw.d Informat
Reads VMS and MicroFocus COBOL zoned numeric data. |
w.d Informat
Reads standard numeric data. |
ZDw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal data. |
ZDBw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal data in which zeros have been left blank. |
ZDVw.d Informat
Reads and validates zoned decimal data. |