Specifies the print margin at the top of the page for output directed
to an ODS printer destination.
Valid in: |
configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS
statement, SAS System Options window
Category: |
Log and procedure output control: ODS Printing
specifies the size of the margin.
Restriction: |
The bottom margin
should be small enough so that the top margin plus the bottom margin is less
than the height of the paper. |
Interactions: |
Changing the value
of this option might result in changes to the value of the PAGESIZE= system
option. |
specifies the units for margin-size. The
margin-unit can be in for inches or cm for centimeters. <margin-unit> is saved as part of the value of the TOPMARGIN
system option.
All margins have a minimum that is dependent
on the printer and the paper size. The default value of the TOPMARGIN system
option is 0.00 in.
Operating Environment Information: Most
SAS system options are initialized with default settings when SAS is invoked.
However, the default settings and option values for some SAS system options
might vary both by operating environment and by site. For details, see the
SAS documentation for your operating environment. ![[cautionend]](../../../../common/63294/HTML/default/images/cautend.gif)
For additional information about declaring
an ODS printer destination, see ODS Statements in the
SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide.
Copyright © 2011 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.