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SAS System Options

ERRORS= System Option

Specifies the maximum number of observations for which SAS issues complete error messages.
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS statement, SAS System Options window
Category: Environment control: Error handling
Log and procedure output control: SAS log

Syntax Description
See Also


ERRORS=n| nK | nM | nG | nT | MIN| MAX | hexX

Syntax Description

n | nK | nM | nG | nT

specifies the number of observations for which SAS issues error messages in terms of 1 (n); 1,024 (nK); 1,048,576 (nM); 1,073,741,824 (nG); or 1,099,511,627,776 (nT). For example, a value of 8 specifies eight observations, and a value of 3M specifies 3,145,728 observations.


sets the number of observations for which SAS issues error messages to 0.


sets the maximum number of observations for which SAS issues error messages to the largest signed, 4-byte integer representable in your operating environment.


specifies the maximum number of observations for which SAS issues error messages as a hexadecimal number. You must specify the value beginning with a number (0-9), followed by an X. For example, the value 2dx sets the maximum number of observations for which SAS issues error messages to 45 observations.


If data errors are detected in more than n observations, processing continues, but SAS does not issue error messages for the additional errors.

Note:   If you set ERRORS=0 and an error occurs, or if the maximum number of errors has been reached, a warning message displays in the log which states that the limit set by the ERRORS option has been reached.  [cautionend]

Operating Environment Information:    The syntax that is shown here applies to the OPTIONS statement. On the command line or in a configuration file, the syntax is specific to your operating environment. For details, see the SAS documentation for your operating environment.  [cautionend]

See Also

"The SAS Log" in SAS Language Reference: Concepts

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