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BY Statement

Controls the operation of a SET, MERGE, MODIFY, or UPDATE statement in the DATA step and sets up special grouping variables.
Valid: in a DATA step or a PROC step
Category: File-handling
Type: Declarative

How SAS Identifies the Beginning and End of a BY Group
In a DATA Step
In a PROC Step
With SAS Views
Processing BY Groups
Example 1: Specifying One or More BY Variables
Example 2: Specifying Sort Order
Example 3: BY-Group Processing with Nonsorted Data
Example 4: Grouping Observations By Using Formatted Values
Example 5: Combining Multiple Observations and Grouping Them Based on One BY Value
See Also


BY <DESCENDING> variable-1



specifies that the data sets are sorted in descending order by the variable that is specified. DESCENDING means largest to smallest numerically, or reverse alphabetical for character variables.

Restriction: You cannot use the DESCENDING option with data sets that are indexed because indexes are always stored in ascending order.
Featured in: Specifying Sort Order

uses the formatted values, instead of the internal values, of the BY variables to determine where BY groups begin and end, and therefore how FIRST.variable and LAST.variable are assigned. Although the GROUPFORMAT option can appear anywhere in the BY statement, the option applies to all variables in the BY statement.

Restriction: You must sort the observations in a data set based on the value of the BY variables before using the GROUPFORMAT option in the BY statement.
Restriction: You can use the GROUPFORMAT option in a BY statement only in a DATA step.
Interaction: If you also use the NOTSORTED option, you can group the observations in a data set by the formatted value of the BY variables without requiring that the data set be sorted or indexed.
Tip: Using the GROUPFORMAT option is useful when you define your own formats to display data that is grouped.
Tip: Using the GROUPFORMAT option in the DATA step ensures that BY groups that you use to create a data set match the BY groups in PROC steps that report grouped, formatted data.
Comparison: BY-group processing in the DATA step using the GROUPFORMAT option is the same as BY-group processing with formatted values in SAS procedures.
See Also: By-Group Processing in the DATA Step in SAS Language Reference: Concepts
Featured in: Grouping Observations By Using Formatted Values

names each variable by which the data set is sorted or indexed. These variables are referred to as BY variables for the current DATA or PROC step.

Tip: The data set can be sorted or indexed by more than one variable.
Featured in: Specifying One or More BY Variables, Specifying Sort Order, BY-Group Processing with Nonsorted Data, and Grouping Observations By Using Formatted Values

specifies that observations with the same BY value are grouped together but are not necessarily sorted in alphabetical or numeric order.

Restriction: You cannot use the NOTSORTED option with the MERGE and UPDATE statements.
Tip: The NOTSORTED option can appear anywhere in the BY statement.
Tip: Using the NOTSORTED option is useful if you have data that falls into other logical groupings such as chronological order or categories.
Featured in: BY-Group Processing with Nonsorted Data


How SAS Identifies the Beginning and End of a BY Group

SAS identifies the beginning and end of a BY group by creating two temporary variables for each BY variable: FIRST.variable and LAST.variable. The value of these variables is either 0 or 1. SAS sets the value of FIRST.variable to 1 when it reads the first observation in a BY group, and sets the value of LAST.variable to 1 when it reads the last observation in a BY group. These temporary variables are available for DATA step programming but are not added to the output data set.

For a complete explanation of how SAS processes grouped data and of how to prepare your data, see By-Group Processing in the DATA Step in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.

In a DATA Step

The BY statement applies only to the SET, MERGE, MODIFY, or UPDATE statement that precedes it in the DATA step, and only one BY statement can accompany each of these statements in a DATA step.

The data sets that are listed in the SET, MERGE, or UPDATE statements must be sorted by the values of the variables that are listed in the BY statement or have an appropriate index. As a default, SAS expects the data sets to be arranged in ascending numeric order or in alphabetical order. The observations can be arranged by one of the following methods:

Note:   MODIFY does not require sorted data, but sorting can improve performance.  [cautionend]

Note:   The BY statement honors the linguistic collation of data that is sorted by using the SORT procedure with the SORTSEQ=LINGUISTIC option.  [cautionend]

For more information, see How to Prepare Your Data Sets in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.

In a PROC Step

You can specify the BY statement with some SAS procedures to modify their action. Refer to the individual procedure in the Base SAS Procedures Guide for a discussion of how the BY statement affects processing for SAS procedures.

With SAS Views

If you create a DATA step view by reading from a DBMS and the SET, MERGE, UPDATE, or MODIFY statement is followed by a BY statement, the BY statement might cause the DBMS to sort the data in order to return the data in sorted order. Sorting the data could increase execution time.

Processing BY Groups

SAS assigns the following values to FIRST.variable and LAST.variable:


Example 1: Specifying One or More BY Variables

Example 2: Specifying Sort Order

Example 3: BY-Group Processing with Nonsorted Data

Observations are ordered by the name of the month in which the expenses were accrued:

     by month notsorted;

Example 4: Grouping Observations By Using Formatted Values

The following example illustrates the use of the GROUPFORMAT option.

proc format;
   value range
      low -55 = 'Under 55'
      55-60   = '55 to 60'
      60-65   = '60 to 65'
      65-70   = '65 to 70'
      other   = 'Over 70';

proc sort data=class out=sorted_class;
   by height;

data _null_;
   format height range.;
   set sorted_class;
      by height groupformat;
   if first.height then
      put 'Shortest in ' height 'measures ' height:best12.;

SAS writes the following output to the log:

Shortest in Under 55 measures 51.3
Shortest in 55 to 60 measures 56.3
Shortest in 60 to 65 measures 62.5
Shortest in 65 to 70 measures 65.3
Shortest in Over 70 measures 72

Example 5: Combining Multiple Observations and Grouping Them Based on One BY Value

The following example shows how to use FIRST.variable and LAST.variable with BY-group processing.

options pageno=1 nodate ls=80 ps=64; 

data Inventory;
   length RecordID 8 Invoice $ 30 ItemLine $ 50;
   infile datalines;
   input RecordID Invoice ItemLine &;
   drop RecordID;
A74  A5296  Highlighters
A75  A5296  Lot # 7603
A76  A5296  Yellow Blue Green
A77  A5296  24 per box
A78  A5297  Paper Clips
A79  A5297  Lot # 7423
A80  A5297  Small Medium Large
A81  A5298  Gluestick
A82  A5298  Lot # 4422
A83  A5298  New item
A84  A5299  Rubber bands
A85  A5299  Lot # 7892
A86  A5299  Wide width, Narrow width 
A87  A5299  1000 per box

data combined;                 
   array Line[4] $ 60 ;       
   retain Line1-Line4;
   keep Invoice Line1-Line4;

   set Inventory;
   by Invoice;  
   if first.Invoice then do;
      call missing(of Line1-Line4);
      records = 0;
   records + 1;
   if last.Invoice then output;

proc print data=combined;
   title 'Office Supply Inventory';

Output from Combining Multiple Observations

                            Office Supply Inventory                            1

 Obs     Line1        Line2     Line3                        Line4      Invoice

  1   Highlighters  Lot # 7603  Yellow Blue Green         24 per box     A5296 
  2   Paper Clips   Lot # 7423  Small Medium Large                       A5297 
  3   Gluestick     Lot # 4422  New item                                 A5298 
  4   Rubber bands  Lot # 7892  Wide width, Narrow width  1000 per box   A5299 

See Also


MERGE Statement

MODIFY Statement

SET Statement

UPDATE Statement

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