Missing Values |
How to Represent Missing Values in Raw Data |
Representing Missing Values shows how to represent each type of missing value in raw data so that SAS will read and store the value appropriately.
Missing Values | Representation in Data |
Numeric | . (a single decimal point) |
Character | ' ' (a blank enclosed in quotes) |
Special | . letter (a decimal point followed by a letter, for example, .B) |
Special | ._ (a decimal point followed by an underscore) |
How to Set Variable Values to Missing in a DATA Step |
You can set values to missing within your DATA step by using program statements such as this one:
if age<0 then age=.;
This statement sets the stored value of AGE to a numeric missing value if AGE has a value less than 0.
Note: You can display a missing numeric value with a character other than a period by using the DATA step's MISSING statement or the MISSING= system option.
The following example sets the stored value of NAME to a missing character value if NAME has a value of "none":
if name="none" then name=' ';
Alternatively, if you want to set to a missing value for one or more variable values, you can use the CALL MISSING routine. For example,
call missing(sales, name);
sets both variable values to a missing value.
Note: You can mix character and numeric variables in the CALL MISSING routine argument list.
How to Check for Missing Values in a DATA Step |
You can use the N and NMISS functions to return the number of nonmissing and missing values, respectively, from a list of numeric arguments.
When you check for ordinary missing numeric values, you can use code that is similar to the following:
if numvar=. then do;
If your data contains special missing values, you can check for either an ordinary or special missing value with a statement that is similar to the following:
if numvar<=.z then do;
To check for a missing character value, you can use a statement that is similar to the following:
if charvar=' ' then do;
The MISSING function enables you to check for either a character or numeric missing value, as in:
if missing(var) then do;
In each case, SAS checks whether the value of the variable in the current observation satisfies the condition specified. If it does, SAS executes the DO group.
Note: Missing values have a value of false when you use them with logical operators such as AND or OR.
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