Assigns or deassigns a fileref to an external file, directory, or output device.

Category: External Files
See: FILENAME Function: Windows in SAS Companion for Windows
FILENAME Function: UNIX in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
FILENAME Function: z/OS in SAS Companion for z/OS


Required Argument


specifies the fileref to assign to the external file. In a DATA step, fileref can be a character expression, a string enclosed in quotation marks that specifies the fileref, or a DATA step variable whose value contains the fileref. In a macro (for example, in the %SYSFUNC function), fileref is the name of a macro variable (without an ampersand) whose value contains the fileref to assign to the external file.

Requirement If fileref is a DATA step variable, its length must be no longer than eight characters.
Tip If a fileref is a DATA step character variable with a blank value and a maximum length of eight characters, or if a macro variable named in fileref has a null value, then a fileref is generated and assigned to the character variable or macro variable, respectively.

Optional Arguments


is a character constant, variable, or expression that specifies the external file. Specifying a blank file-name deassigns a fileref that was assigned previously.


is a character constant, variable, or expression that specifies the type of device or the access method that is used if the fileref points to an input or output device or location that is not a physical file:


specifies that the device is a disk drive.

Alias BASE
Tip When you assign a fileref to a file on disk, you are not required to specify DISK.


specifies that the output to the file is discarded.

Tip Specifying DUMMY can be useful for testing.


indicates that the output device type is a graphics device that will be receiving graphics data.


specifies an unnamed pipe.

Note Some operating environments do not support pipes.


specifies an unbuffered graphics output device.


specifies a printer or printer spool file.


specifies a tape drive.


creates a temporary file that exists only as long as the filename is assigned. The temporary file can be accessed only through the logical name and is available only while the logical name exists.

Restriction Do not specify a physical pathname. If you do, SAS returns an error.
Tip Files that are manipulated by the TEMP device can have the same attributes and behave identically to DISK files


specifies the user's personal computer.


specifies a Universal Printing printer definition name.

Operating environment The FILENAME function also supports operating environment-specific devices. For more information, see the SAS documentation for your operating environment.


specifies host-specific details such as file attributes and processing attributes. For more information, see the SAS documentation for your operating environment.


specifies the fileref that was assigned to the directory or partitioned data set in which the external file resides.


FILENAME returns 0 if the operation was successful; ≠0 if it was not successful. The name that is associated with the file or device is called a fileref (file reference name). Other system functions that manipulate external files and directories require that the files be identified by fileref rather than by physical filename. The association between a fileref and a physical file lasts only for the duration of the current SAS session or until you change or discontinue the association by using FILENAME. You can deassign filerefs by specifying a null string for the file-name argument in FILENAME.
Operating Environment Information: The term directory in this description refers to an aggregate grouping of files that are managed by the operating environment. Different operating environments identify these groupings with different names, such as directory, subdirectory, folder, MACLIB, or partitioned data set. For details, see the SAS documentation for your operating environment.
Under some operating environments, you can also assign filerefs by using system commands. Depending on the operating environment, FILENAME might be unable to change or deassign filerefs that are assigned outside of SAS.


Example 1: Assigning a Fileref to an External File

This example assigns the fileref MYFILE to an external file. Next, it deassigns the fileref. Note that in a macro statement that you do not enclose character strings in quotation marks.
%let filrf=myfile;
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf, physical-filename));
%if &rc ne 0 %then
   %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf));

Example 2: Assigning a System-Generated Fileref

This example assigns a system-generated fileref to an external file. The fileref is stored in the variable FNAME. Note that in a macro statement that you do not enclose character strings in quotation marks.
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname, physical-filename));
%if &rc %then
   %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());
      more macro statements

Example 3: Assigning a Fileref to a Pipe File

This example assigns the fileref MYPIPE to a pipe file with the output from the UNIX command LS, which lists the files in the directory /u/myid. Note that in a macro statement that you do not enclose character strings in quotation marks.
%let filrf=mypipe;
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf, %str(ls /u/myid), pipe));