Using SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office to Access SAS IT Resource Management Data

Use SAS Tools to Analyze Your Data in Microsoft Excel

When you open Microsoft Excel 2010, you should see a SAS tab in the Ribbon. You access the SAS add-in from the menu options on this tab.
You can perform a variety of tasks using the SAS add-in. The following process briefly explains how you would run a SAS analysis:
  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. Select the data source that you want to work with. In Excel, you can use data in an existing Excel worksheet or in a SAS data source. If you select a SAS data source, you can choose to filter and sort the data before the analysis.
    Note: If the SAS data source is open in an Excel worksheet, then the task uses the filter and sort criteria that you specified when opening the data source.
  3. Select the analysis that you want to perform.
    Note: After you select the analysis, you might be prompted to log on to the SAS server if you have not previously logged on during the current session. You must be connected to a SAS server to run an analysis or to access a SAS data source.
  4. Select the options in the analysis that you want to use and then run the analysis.
  5. Specify the location of the output. For example, in Excel, you can choose to include the results in the existing worksheet, in a new worksheet, or in a new workbook. The results automatically open in Excel in the location that you chose.
Note: The SAS add-in is also available in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.

Create Stored Processes

SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office enables users to run stored processes and customize the appearance of results that are returned by Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. A stored process is a SAS program that is hosted on a server and described by metadata. Stored processes can be written by anyone who is familiar with the SAS programming language or with the aid of a SAS code generator such as SAS Enterprise Guide. The basic steps to creating a stored process are as follows:
  • Write the stored process.
  • Choose or define a server.
  • Register the metadata.
For information about how to perform these steps to create a stored process, see the SAS 9.4 Stored Processes: Developer’s Guide, which can be found at Use the A-Z index to locate this documentation.

Execute a Stored Process from SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office

To run a stored process from SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office, perform the following steps:
  1. If you are using Microsoft Office 2007-2010, select the SAS tab in the Ribbon.
    If you are using Microsoft Office 2000-2003, select SASthen selectReports.
    The Reports window appears.
  2. Select the stored process that you want to run and click Open. If the stored process that you want to run is not available, you might want to refresh your list of stored processes.
    Note: You can also run the stored process by right-clicking the stored process and selecting Open from the pop-up menu.
  3. Specify information for any prompts that appear. These prompts for user-supplied values are defined when the stored process is created.
After you have specified values for any required parameters, the results of the stored process open in the worksheet, document, or presentation.
Note: If the stored process produces streaming results and your image format is not set to ActiveX, then any graphs that the stored process generates cannot be displayed. For more information, see the Help for SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office.

Publish Results to a Central Location

By publishing a document, you can share it with others without having to e-mail it. If you publish the document to a metadata repository, then you can perform an impact analysis on the document. Impact analysis enables you to see where a data source came from and the items that are dependent on this source. This analysis enables you to know how changing a data source might affect other documents.
Note: To publish a document, the SAS support personnel at your site must have installed SAS Web Report Studio on the same metadata server.

Locating SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office Documentation

From the SAS Ribbon bar of Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, you can click Help to access the SAS Help for the products that are included in SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office. In addition, SAS Add-In 7.1 for Microsoft Office: Getting Started in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft PowerPoint can be found at
Use the A-Z index to locate the documentation that is available for this product.