Overview of ITRM Report Center

ITRM Report Center is a web application that enables users to view, organize, filter, and share SAS IT Resource Management performance and exception reports. From the workspace bar, you can access the Home, Gallery, Resource, and Administration workspaces.
  • The Home workspace enables you to access your personal watch lists, alerts, and recent work. This workspace is accessible to all users. For more information, see Overview of the Home Workspace.
  • The Gallery workspace enables you to access folders, galleries, and albums that are used to organize and share SAS IT Resource Management reports. This workspace is accessible by all users. For more information, see Overview of the Gallery Workspace.
  • The Resource workspace enables you to view SAS IT Resource Management reports from a hierarchical perspective for each resource in ITRM Report Center. This workspace is accessible only by users who are members of groups that are members in the IT Resource Management: Report Center User role or the IT Resource Management Report Center Administrators group. For more information, see Overview of the Resource Workspace.
  • The Administration workspace is where some ITRM Report Center administrative tasks are performed. These tasks include creating SAS Content Server locations and assigning access to those locations to IT Resource Management Report Center User groups, purging reports, and refreshing the ITRM Report Center cache. This workspace is accessible by users who are members of the IT Resource Management Administrators group. For more information, see Overview of the Administration Workspace.