Step 1: Design Your Migration and Run the SAS Migration Utility


Before you begin your migration, perform the following preliminary steps to plan your migration:
  • Review the SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: Migration Guide, and design your migration. To locate this document, perform the following steps:
    1. Use the Products Index A–Z to select the Web page for the SAS Migration Utility.
    2. On the SAS Intelligence Platform Web page, scroll down to the Installation, Configuration, and Migration Documentation section where you can find the SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: Migration Guide.
  • Perform pre-migration tasks.
SAS IT Resource Management users: Use the migration approach to install SAS 9.3 and to update their current content.
The topic about promotion that is described in SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: Migration Guide does not apply to SAS IT Resource Management content.

Design Your Migration

For information about the steps to prepare for migration, see the chapter called “Designing Your Migration” in the SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: Migration Guide. This chapter describes the following tasks:
  • reviewing high-level SAS migration requirements for your SAS topology, middle tier, and operating system.
  • assessing your hardware and third-party software.
  • taking an inventory of your current SAS deployment. The SAS Migration Utility analyzes the content in your current SAS deployment. It identifies any updates that are needed before the automated migration tools work with your deployment.
  • obtaining a SAS 9.3 Deployment Plan file.

Perform Pre-Migration Tasks

For information about the steps to take when preparing for your migration, see the chapter called “Performing Pre-migration Tasks” in the SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: Migration Guide. This chapter contains the topics that are mentioned in the following list. They describe the pre-migration tasks that you should perform:
  • Back up your SAS 9.1.3, 9.2, or 9.3 system, including all servers and desktop clients.
  • Perform any required SAS 9.1.3, 9.2, or 9.3 maintenance that is required to meet minimum baselines.
    Note: The migration process will delete any overall jobs that were created by the Adapter Setup Wizard in SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1. For best results, delete the overall jobs manually in the SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1 client before the start of the migration process. (Overall jobs were not created in SAS IT Resource management 3.2 or later.)
  • Prepare complete pre-installation and migration checklists. These checklists are customized based on the deployment plan that is provided by SAS for your SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 installation. For more information about pre-migration checklists, see the topic about “Completing the Pre-migration Checklists.”
  • Install third-party software.
  • Create a SAS Software Depot. For information about this task, see the “Creating Software Depots” topic.
    When you create a SAS Software Depot for your SAS 9.3 installation, use the QuickStart Guide (for Windows and UNIX installations) or the SAS 9.3 Electronic Software Delivery for Planning Installations on z/OS document to help you install your downloaded software. These documents provide an overview of the steps that are required to install your software. The document contains information such as links to documentation for system requirements, migration, pre-installation checklists, and installation. You should review this document to ensure that you have completed all necessary tasks before you begin your installation.
    Note: If you plan to create the depot on a UNIX or a z/OS system, make sure that a Windows environment (such as the Common Desktop Environment or X11) is installed. A Windows environment is necessary because the program that you use to create the depot has a graphical user interface.
  • Create a migration package by using the SAS Migration Utility. After you create your SAS Migration Utility package, make sure that you can access the package location from the machine where you are installing SAS 9.3. You might need to share the folder that contains the SAS Migration Utility package. Or mount a copy to the machine where you want to install SAS 9.3.
    Note: For information about running the SAS Migration Utility, see the “SAS Migration Utility Reference” appendix of the SAS 9.3 Intelligence Platform: Migration Guide. The topic called “Run the Migration Utility Using a Properties File” in this appendix also contains information about specifying properties in the SAS Migration Utility. There are no properties specific to SAS IT Resource Management, but using the Migration Utility enables you to migrate SAS products, including SAS IT Resource Management.