Overview of Migrating to SAS IT Resource Management 3.3

To migrate your SAS IT Resource Management software to SAS IT Resource Management 3.3, you must install SAS IT Resource Management 3.3. (The System Requirements document for SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 is at http://support.sas.com/itrm.)
The process of obtaining, installing, and configuring SAS 9.3 software begins with requesting SAS software from SAS. This request generates a software order e-mail that provides instructions and the tools to download the new SAS IT Resource Management software from SAS and to install it using the SAS Deployment Wizard. For information about this process for Windows and UNIX installations, see the QuickStart Guide: SAS 9.3 Planned Deployments Using Electronic Software Delivery. For z/OS installations, see Installation and Maintenance Instructions–SAS 9.3 Electronic Software Delivery for Planning Installations on z/OS. To locate this documentation, perform the following steps:
  1. From the left navigation panel, select Install Center. Then, select the latest entry among the objects labeled “SAS 9.3” such as “SAS 9.3 (TS2Mx).”
  2. In the Quick links section, select the operating system on which you intend to install the IT Resource Management Server. Locate these documents in the list of documents presented.
    Windows Specifics: For Windows installations, select Documentation for SAS 9.3 Installation on Windows. Then, scroll down and select QuickStart Guide to Your SAS 9.3 Planned Deployments using Electronic Software Delivery. The QuickStart Guide: SAS 9.3 Planned Deployments Using Electronic Software Delivery appears.
    UNIX Specifics: For UNIX installations, select Documentation for SAS 9.3 Installation on UNIX. Then, scroll down and select QuickStart Guide to Your SAS 9.3 Planned Deployments using Electronic Software Delivery. The QuickStart Guide: SAS 9.3 Planned Deployments Using Electronic Software Delivery appears.
    z/OS Specifics: For z/OS installations, select Documentation for SAS 9.3 Installation on z/OS. Then, scroll down and select the Installation and Maintenance Instructions–SAS 9.3 Electronic Software Delivery for Planning Installations on z/OS.
Overall Jobs: The IT Resource Management 3.1.1 grouping of all jobs that are associated with an adapter into an overall job is not a concept that is supported in more recent releases of SAS IT Resource Management. As such, the migration process will delete any overall jobs that were created by the Adapter Setup Wizard in SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1. For best results, delete the overall jobs manually in the SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1 client before the start of the migration process. (Overall jobs were created in SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1 to serve only as containers of subsidiary jobs. Do not delete the subsidiary jobs; delete only the overall jobs. Deleting the overall jobs will not delete the subsidiary jobs contained in them.)
To migrate all of the metadata from SAS IT Resource Management (or from your SAS 9.1.3, SAS 9.2, or SAS 9.3 installation) to SAS IT Resource Management 3.3, run the following programs:
  1. Run the SAS Migration Utility on your SAS 9.1.3, 9.2, or 9.3 system to create a migration package.
  2. Install SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 (and SAS 9.3) using the SAS Deployment Wizard. The following options are available for this task:
    • If you want only to install your products (without configuring them), run the SAS Deployment Wizard once, specifying to install your products.
      Later, if you want to configure your products, run the SAS Deployment Wizard a second time, specifying to configure your products.
      Note: Your SAS IT Resource Management system can be migrated only if the migration option is selected in the configuration process.
    • If you want to install your products and configure them at the same time, run the SAS Deployment Wizard once, specifying to install your products and configure them.
      Note: Your SAS IT Resource Management system can be migrated only if the migration option is selected in the configuration process.
  3. For each IT data mart that is to be moved from SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.21, or 3.3 to SAS IT Resource Management 3.3, perform the following steps to migrate the data to the new platform:
    1. Run %RMDMPKG on the SAS 9.1.3, 9.2, or 9.3 system to create a package of the IT data mart to be moved to SAS IT Resource Management 3.3.
    2. Run %RMDMPATH on the SAS 9.3 system, if necessary. This program modifies the paths associated with the items in the IT data mart.
    3. Run %RMDMUPKG on the SAS 9.3 system to unpackage the IT data mart that you moved from SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.21, or 3.3.
    4. Redeploy all the jobs that were migrated.