SAS IT Resource Management Resources

SAS IT Resource Management provides many other resources to assist you in using this product and in managing your IT resources.

Online Help

Online Help is available for the user interfaces that SAS IT Resource Management uses. You can access the online Help from within the following SAS products by clicking Help on the associated window or pressing the F1 key. To access the user assistance for Gallery Manager, use the cursor to hover over the field in question.
  • SAS Data Integration Studio
    Online Help consists of the standard help for SAS Data Integration Studio and the field-level help for the additional software that provides support for SAS IT Resource Management.
  • Gallery Manager
    User assistance consists of field-level help for managing IT resource reports.
  • SAS Management Console
  • SAS Enterprise Guide
    Online Help consists of the standard help for SAS Enterprise Guide, as well as help for the ITRM gallery task.
  • SAS Web Report Studio
  • SAS Information Map Studio
To access the help for SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office, on the toolbar for Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel, select SAS. Then, select SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office.
To access the help for SAS/CONNECT, from within SAS, click Help to open SAS Help and Documentation. From the SAS Products section, scroll down to the help for SAS/CONNECT.
To access the help for SAS/SHARE, from within SAS, click Help to open SAS Help and Documentation. From the SAS Products section, scroll down to the help for SAS/SHARE.

Web-Based Product Documentation

About Web-Based Product Documentation

SAS IT Resource Management is built on the SAS®9 architecture and leverages other SAS products and solutions. Web-based access to SAS product documentation is available for SAS IT Resource Management documentation and SAS System documentation.
To access these Web pages, use a frame-capable version of a Web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and later or Mozilla Firefox2 and later.

SAS IT Resource Management Documentation

Information about SAS IT Resource Management is available at: Along with notes about topics of general interest, this site contains links to the following sets of documents:
  • SAS IT Resource Management: Overview: Provides an overview of SAS IT Resource Management.
  • SAS IT Resource Management: Administator's Guide: Provides a detailed description of the SAS IT Resource Management for data administrators.
  • SAS IT Resource Management: Gallery Manager User's Guide: Provides a detailed description of the Gallery Manager application, including how to manage and view report galleries.
  • SAS IT Resource Management: Reporting Guide: Provides a detailed description of the reporting functionality of SAS IT Resource Management for performance analysts and information consumers. It also provides the Report Conversion appendix that describes how to convert your IT Resource Management 2.7 reports for use with the current version of SAS IT Resource Management.
  • Installation documentation is available from the Install Center at: It describes how to install and configure the latest software.
  • SAS IT Resource Management: System Requirements : Provides a list of the requirements for the server tier, middle tier, and client tier for the operating systems supported by SAS IT Resource Management.
  • SAS IT Resource Management: Migration Guide: Describes how to convert your IT Resource Management environment to the current version of SAS IT Resource Management.
  • The Metrics Documentation section of the SAS IT Resource Management documentation Web page provides documentation about Demand Technology Performance Sentry Data Collection Sets for SAS IT Resource Management. It also provides lists of available metrics documentation, including the data model for this version of SAS IT Resource Management, changes from previous versions of SAS IT Resource Management, and ITRM and MXG column mapping. Navigate to this Web page from
  • The Samples of Supplied Reports section provides reports and information about those reports for selected supplied reports.
Note: Information about the previous versions of the SAS IT Resource Management software is also available. Click the tab that corresponds to the version of SAS IT Resource Management documentation that you want to access.
The Web page at provides access to white papers and articles about many topics that pertain to managing your IT resources.

SAS System Documentation

On, you can select Knowledge Base to access resources such as Products and Solutions, System Requirements, Install Center, Third-Party Software Reference, Documentation, Papers, Samples and SAS Notes, and focus areas.
The SAS System includes many software products and solutions that are leveraged by SAS IT Resource Management. You can access SAS documentation by using the A-Z index on this Web page:

Technical Support

If you have questions about or problems with your licensed SAS software, you can explore the multiple resources that are available on the SAS Institute Support Web site at This Web site provides an online mechanism for reporting and tracking problems and questions for Technical Support. These electronic services are available 24 hours a day.
Select Training and Bookstore to access links to the SAS bookstore, training information, and the certification program. In addition, you can access information about SAS Global Academic Program and SAS OnDemand for Academics.
If you want your question or problem handled by phone, ask your site's SAS Installation Representative or on-site SAS support personnel to call the SAS Technical Support Division. Sites in North America can call 919-677-8008 or send a Fax to 919-531-9449. Sites that are outside of North America should check the Technical Support Web site or their local SAS office.

Training and Consulting Services

The SAS IT Resource Management solution is tightly integrated with other SAS solutions, such as SAS Data Integration Studio, SAS Enterprise Guide, and the business intelligence components of SAS Intelligence Platform. Therefore, customers might require training for these solutions as well for SAS IT Resource Management.
SAS offers training that is suited to your needs. For example, you can select live Web classes or instructor-led classes. Because SAS is a global company with customers in many different countries, SAS also provides training in the national language of many of these countries. For more information, see the Training Web page at At this Web site, you can select training that is appropriate for your location and language.
You can also contact the SAS Education department by calling 1-800-333-7660.
Note: You can also order SAS books from SAS Book Sales (1-800-727-3228).

SAS IT Resource Management E-mail Forum

You can exchange information with other users of SAS IT Resource Management by subscribing to the ITMS-L listserv. This e-mail forum is available for users to exchange tips, techniques, and information about SAS IT Resource Management.
To subscribe, send an e-mail message to with the following information:
  • Leave the subject line blank.
  • In the body of the message, type the following:
    SUBSCRIBE  ITMS-L <your first name><your last name>
For example, type the following: subscribe ITMS-L John Smith
To send mail to the listserv, send e-mail to
To remove your name from the e-mail forum, send an e-mail message to with the following information:
  • Leave the subject line blank.
  • In the body of the message, type